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Date Posted: 08:49:43 05/04/01 Fri
Author: jan oskar hansen
Subject: friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

On an overcast Friday afternoon, later it began raining,
I sought refuge in a supermarket. Walking around I noticed a spy camera mounted on the wall, its lens detached it self and began hovering above my head. I put my right hand nonchalant in its pocket trying to ignore the intrusive eye.
Suddenly the hand grew into a sugar melon and got stuck.
A wave of panic, walked over to where they sell bread knives and thought of cutting the pocket open, but by now
a store detective followed me. To look really innocent I made the mistake of putting my left hand in its pocket and
five fingers turned into huge bananas. Now I was really stuck and helpless. Blinded by terror I collided with
a trolley, fell and hit my head on a shelf full of cat food.
At the hospital the surgeon had cut the melon in half and was eating it, a nurse had peeled the bananas, diced them and made a fruit salad, which she shared with an intern and
by the loving way she spoon-fed him I knew that they were
having an affair. She was kind enough to offer me some.
No thanks, I wasn't feeling very hungry, but I asked them to remove the lens which had glued it self to my forehead.

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