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  • If you consume too much fat, sugar and salt, you will get sick and lose your potency, how to avoid -- Knuit Holt, 12:29:03 03/20/17 Mon
    How to Avoid a Too High Consume of Fat, Sugar and Salt

    By Knut Holt

    Most people in the modern societies consume way too much fat, sugar and salt, which greatly increases the risk for serious diseases. Here you can learn how to get total control of your intake of these nutrients.

    Many people consume much more fat, sugar and salt than needed. You also easily consume more than you think, because great amounts of these nutrients are hidden in the food sold in stores.

    The high consume of fat sugar and salt causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, even in young people. As the intake of these substances is rising, also the frequency of these serious ailments is going up.

    In order to keep yourself generally healthy and reduce the risk for disease, you need to get an absolute control of how much you consume of these nutrients.


    An adult person needs around 4 grams salt (NaCl) each day. You can use this number when you assess the amount of added salt in the food you buy, and the salt you add to the dishes you cook.

    Each of your meals should consist of less than 10% fat, around 30% carbohydrates (starch and sugar) and around 25% protein, measured in weight. The rest 35% will be the content of other nutrients and water in your food. Some experts will recommend more fat and less carbohydrates. But if you choose to get most of your energy from fat, you must be sure you reduce significantly your consume of sugar and starch too.

    It is not possible to achieve exactly the ideal amount of fat, carbohydrates and salt in your diet. But by following some principles regarding the food you buy, cook and eat, you can control the composition of your diet well enough.


    All your meals should contain protein-rich food like fish, poultry, eggs, mushrooms or meat. Each meal should also contain an equal amount of carbohydrate-rich food like bread, cereals, potatoes, beans or peas. And in each meal you should have some fruit, and vegetables. Some times each week you should eat food rich in healthy fat, like fat fish, sunflower seeds, almonds or nuts. The moderate amount of fat you need will be found naturally in all these food types.

    Instead of sugar, use fruit, fresh or dried, like bananas and raisins to sweet your food.

    Ideally you should not consume bread bought in the stores, but make dishes from unprocessed cereals, like porridge or muesli, or bake your bread from unprocessed cereals. To these dishes, or self-made bread you can add a minor amount of salt and natural oils.

    If you still choose to buy ready made bread, choose whole grain bread, which contains specified natural oils as the only type of fat, without added sugar, and with only small amounts of added salt.

    Make all your dishes from natural unprocessed sources. Add only small amount of natural oils and salt when you cook.

    Buy meat free from visible fat or cut away the fat you can see.

    Fish, meat and vegetables that have been processed or canned, as a rule contain substantially amount of sugar and salt, and usually also fat. If you still chooses to buy canned food, make sure that they do not contain added sugar, fat or salt before you buy it.

    Avoid all kind of ready made sweet drinks. Ideally you should press juice from fresh fruit and blend it with water according to your own taste, and use this as your sweet drinks. Do not add sugar. If you still choose to buy ready-made juices, make sure that they do not contain added sugar or salt.

    Cookies, candies, ice-cream and cakes consist mostly of fat, sugar and starch. These things should be eaten only at special occasions a couple of times each week, and not be a substantial part of your daily diet.


    If you choose to buy ready-made food of some type, you must read the declaration to be reasonably sure about the content, and not trust what the label says. If there is no declaration, the declaration looks incomplete, it does not specify amounts, or the declaration contains some fancy words, do not buy it. If the declaration says something like "vegetable fat", this fat is as a rule industrially processed and unhealthy for you.

    Also if the food has a consistency and taste that do not seem to fit the declared content, the declaration is most probably false, and you should avoid the product. For example, a full corn bread should have a firm consistency and not feel soft. A bread without added sugar should not taste distinctly sweet.

    The small amount of added fat in your food should be unprocessed oils from olives, sunflowers, almonds, canola, nuts, linen seeds, soy, and other natural oils, and you should vary between these oil types so that you get a good mix of fatty acids in your diet.

    Knut Holt

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    Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

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    Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:

    There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.


    All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

    Knut Holt


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  • Paleo Diet - How Can It Benefit You -- Knut Holt, 17:45:04 05/31/16 Tue
    The Palo diet - What is It and What Benefits does It Give?

    By a paleo diet you eat like people ate before the agriculture was invented and the purpose of such a diet is to stay young and healthy, loose weight and to help cure chronic diseases.

    When you follow a paleo diet (paleolithic diet) you eat the same food, and in the same amounts as people ate before the agricultural area began. Also you do not eat those food types that is thought to have appeared during and after the emergence of agriculture.

    The theory tells that this kind of diet is the most natural for human beings. Thereby it will give a person the greatest opportunity to stay young, avoid disease, loose weight, help cure chronic ailments and live long.

    In a strict paleo diet you eat animal food like lean meat, fish, seafood, foul and eggs. Furthermore the animals the food is made from must have lived a free life and fed themselves from the nature, or at least an approximately free life like all-year pasturing cattle.

    The animal based food is cooked or fried gently, or even eaten raw, as for example like beef tartar or sushi.

    In this diet you also eat plant based food like seeds, nuts, mushrooms, almonds, fruit and vegetables. Ideally also this food should be obtained from organisms collected from the nature itself, but organically grown plants are also accepted. The plant foods are eaten raw.

    Furthermore you use unrefined oils from nuts, seeds and oily fruits grown organically, including cold-pressed oils from olives, sunflower seeds, almonds, nuts and avocados.

    In this diet you do not consume processed or refined food of any kind, including sugar and salt. You do not eat cereals, potatoes, legumes or food made from these, as for example bread. Milk and diary products are also excluded from a pale diet. The theory holds that these food types were not a part of the daily diet before the invention of agriculture.

    A paleo diet will give you an abundance of protein, fibers, vitamins and minerals. The intake of carbohydrates will be more restricted. Much of your energy will come from fat and sugar included in the natural sources. You will not get too much energy, though, which is good if you struggle to loose weight.

    It is probably wise to live off a diet composed as near to the paleo-diet as practically and economically possible, but width some modifications:

    You should allow yourself to eat some legumes, potatoes, other root tubers, and cereals, but preferably organically grown, and not processed to bread or the like. Legumes and cereals were probably a part of the daily diet from the first appearance of mankind.

    If you are very active physically you will also need the starch from these food types to get enough energy. Oat is probably the most valuable cereal to include in the diet.

    If you suffer from celiac disease or other types of bad reaction to cereals, you should of course avoid wheat and the cereals you react against.

    You should also eat more fish and seafood than meat, in order to avoid a too high consume of saturated fat, and include fat fish to get enough omega-3-fat and vitamin D.

    You do not need milk and diary products though. But some diary products will not hurt you unless you suffer from lactose intolerance.

    If the climate is warm and you is physically active, you will need to include some salt in the diet, preferably sea-salt.

    A paleo diet with the mentioned modifications is probably a kind of diet that best possibly will keep you young, healthy and slim. But that does not mean that there does not exist other diet philosophies that are equally good.

    Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.


    Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Paleo-Diet,-What-It-Is,-and-What-Benefits-It-May-Give&id=9427807

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  • How to Avoid a Dangerous Consume of Fat, Sugar and Salt -- Knuit Holt, 15:38:16 05/08/16 Sun
    How to Controle Your Fat, sugar and Salt Consume

    Most people in the modern societies consume way too much fat, sugar and salt, which greatly increases the risk for serious diseases. Here you can learn how to get total control of your intake of these nutrients.

    The high average consume of fat, sugar and salt contributes to a high and still rising frequency of over-weight, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, even in young people. One reason for this over-consume is the amount of hidden fat, sugar and salt in food products, so that you get much more of them than you think.

    In order to keep yourself generally healthy and reduce the risk for these diseases, you need to get an absolute control of how much you consume of these substances.


    An adult person needs around 4 grams salt (NaCl) each day. You can use this number when you assess the amount of added salt in the food you buy, and the salt you add to the dishes you cook.

    Each of your meals should consist of less than 10% fat, around 30% carbohydrates (starch and sugar) and around 25% protein, measured in weight. The rest 35% will be the content of other nutrients and water in your food. Some experts will recommend more fat and less carbohydrates. But if you choose to get most of your energy from fat, you must be sure you reduce significantly your consume of sugar and starch too.

    It is not possible to achieve exactly the ideal amount of fat, carbohydrates and salt in your diet. But by following some principles regarding the food you buy, cook and eat, you can control the composition of your diet well enough.


    All your meals should contain protein-rich food like fish, poultry, eggs, mushrooms or meat. Each meal should also contain an equal amount of carbohydrate-rich food like bread, cereals, potatoes, beans or peas. And in each meal you should have some fruit, and vegetables. Some times each week you should eat food rich in healthy fat, like fat fish, sunflower seeds, almonds or nuts. The moderate amount of fat you need will be found naturally in all these food types.

    Instead of sugar, use fruit, fresh or dried, like bananas and raisins to sweet your food.

    Ideally you should not consume bread bought in the stores, but make dishes from unprocessed cereals, like porridge or muesli, or bake your bread from unprocessed cereals. To these dishes, or self-made bread you can add a minor amount of salt and natural oils.

    If you still choose to buy ready made bread, choose whole grain bread, which contains specified natural oils as the only type of fat, without added sugar, and with only small amounts of added salt.

    Make all your dishes from natural unprocessed sources. Add only small amount of natural oils and salt when you cook.

    Buy meat free from visible fat or cut away the fat you can see.

    Fish, meat and vegetables that have been processed or canned, as a rule contain substantially amount of sugar and salt, and usually also fat. If you still chooses to buy canned food, make sure that they do not contain added sugar, fat or salt before you buy it.

    Avoid all kind of ready made sweet drinks. Ideally you should press juice from fresh fruit and blend it with water according to your own taste, and use this as your sweet drinks. Do not add sugar. If you still choose to buy ready-made juices, make sure that they do not contain added sugar or salt.

    Cookies, candies, ice-cream and cakes consist mostly of fat, sugar and starch. These things should be eaten only at special occasions a couple of times each week, and not be a substantial part of your daily diet.


    If you choose to buy ready-made food of some type, you must read the declaration to be reasonably sure about the content, and not trust what the label says. If there is no declaration, the declaration looks incomplete, it does not specify amounts, or the declaration contains some fancy words, do not buy it. If the declaration says something like "vegetable fat", this fat is as a rule industrially processed and unhealthy for you.

    Also if the food has a consistency and taste that do not seem to fit the declared content, the declaration is most probably false, and you should avoid the product. For example, a full corn bread should have a firm consistency and not feel soft. A bread without added sugar should not taste distinctly sweet.

    The small amount of added fat in your food should be unprocessed oils from olives, sunflowers, almonds, canola, nuts, linen seeds, soy, and other natural oils, and you should vary between these oil types so that you get a good mix of fatty acids in your diet.

    Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.


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    About Scoliosis, how does One Diagnose and Treat Scoliosis
    By Knut Holt

    Scoliosis is a deformations in the spinal column that usually progresses from small deviations and get gradually worse. The extent of the deformations often stops at a moderate stage, but can in some cases get very severe.

    The deformation can be sidewise, rotational, foreward or backward, often combined. Often there are deformations at several places in the column in opposite directions so that the severity of the disease is not always discovered before some time. Sideways bendings in a S-shape is typical.

    Ideopathic scoliosis is the most common type, and of which one does not know very well the original causes. Ideopathic scoliosis starts some time in childhood, most typically at the pretpubertal stage and pogresses throughout puberty until the growth of the spine is finished, but can get more severe also later. The deformations develop due to unsymmetrical growth in the spinal column, but without any degenarative disease in the spinal structure.

    Even though the causes of this kind of scoliosis is not well known, one knows that the tendency to develop scoliosis is to some extent inherited. Chiropractors and cranioscral therapists have a hypothesis that ideopathic scoliosis is caused by blockings that hinder the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the column, the blood flow alomg the column and the functions of the nerves along the colum..These blockings are often thought to be caused by stiffness or scars in the muscular layers, in the tendons and fascial layers around the column, in the meningeal membranes around the spinal cord within the column, or of misalignment in the position of the spines according to each other.

    Scoliosis can also be caused by neurological and muscular paralyses or malfunctions, so that the muscles excert a different force on one side than another. Also inflammational or degenerative processes in the spines or cartilages between the spines can cause scoliosis.

    The main symptoms of scoliosis is of cource the bendings and twistings in the spinal colomn, but other symptoms also appear that one often recognizes before one sees that the spinal colomn has got an abnormal shape. These symptomns are: Leaning towards ine side, one hip higher than the other. better developed muscles on one side than the other, deformities in the breast cage and unsymmetrical waist. Later one can get back pain.

    The diagosis of scoliosis is fairly simple. One looks and feels along the spine while the patient is standig upright to see the curvature. Often the bendings can be seen right away. To be more sure one also lets the patient bend foreward. Where the spine is curved towards one side, one will see a bump on that side of the back, because the bent part of the spine will be pressed outward on that side. By letting the patient do other bends and twistes with the torso, arms and legs, a more complete picture can be made.

    During this test the patient must be naked on the back and also on the upper parts of the buttocks. The very best for the diagnosis is a totally naked patient, so that on can also see misalignment of the buttocks that are assosiated with scoliosis, but one usually lets the patient wear underpants and pulls these down more or less at some point in the test.

    It is generally recommended that children and teens are examined by such a simple test each year. In many societies this is done in school or at wellchild exams. But parents should do the test on their children themselves to detect a beginning scoliosis as early as possible, at least two times a year.

    If scoliosis is detected with such simple tests, and it looks severe enough, one will often do more thorrough examinations, especially with x-ray imaging. If the scoliosis is minimal, one usually will only follow the development to see if it is developing further and how fast it is progressing.

    With somewhat more severe deformations the standard treatments are exercises and braces. By scoliosis starting very early, one sometimes uses casting to guide the growth in a right direction. Cranisacral therapists and chiropractors treat scoliosis by manipulations. The manipulations have the aim of taking away mechanical blocks thought to exists around and within the column and thereby reestabishing a healthy growth.

    With a more severe development one often performs surgery, by which the cartilages between the spines are removed, the column is stretched out, metallic bars are fastened to the treated sections and bone grafts are placed between the spines so that they grow togeather. The metallic bars will usually remain in place permanently, but can be removed later on if they cause trouble.

    By surgery at a very young age, one tend to use bars that can be stretched further out throughout the growth without laying grafts that make the spine stiff.

    Surgery imply many hazards for complications both during surgery and during later development, and small or great sections of the spine gets stiff. Often late complications lead to new surgery. A common complication is neurological injuries amd even paralyses. Surgery for scoliosis is therefore not something one shall decide for after just an easy concideration.

    Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. At his web-site you can find health advices, training supplements, natural products to enhance sexual pleasure, and natural drugs against common diseases, like: Acne and skin problems, allergy, over-weight, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, heart trouble, joint pain and rheumatism, depression, constipation and digestive trouble, cold, flu, men's and women's problems, and more.


    ----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

    Article source:


    Cold Fusion - The Salvage from the Energy Crisis?

    In 1989 the chemistry professors Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishman reported that they had achieved cold fusion in a palladium anode emerged in a solution of sodium deuteroxide in heavy water D2O. Due to a bad exactness of their report, only few other scientists managed to replicate their findings in the first place. The findings were then dismissed as due to misunderstandings and bad scientific practice, and the matter of cold fusion has since been regarded as a taboo area.

    However, some scientists did manage to replicate the findings, and quietly an enormous amount of positive research findings based on experiments of a lot better quality have been published. The phenomenon is again becoming accepted as a legitimate field of research by steadily more scientists.

    However, what is really going on is not well understood. Heat production, detected radiation and detected fusion products suggest that some kind of nuclear reaction or fusion takes place, but the reactions do not show the amount of radiation and the ratios of products that known hot fusion reactions do. Therefore other names of the phenomenon are often used, like Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or (LENR) or Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR).


    By fusion two or more atomic nuclei, protons or neutrons fuse together to form a new atomic nucleus. The new nucleus is held together by the strong forces between the heavy particles, protons and neutrons. These forces are so strong that they win over the repulsing electromagnetic forces between protons.

    However, the strong forces only work at a short distance. Therefore the nucleons (neutrons and protons) must be brought very close together. This is difficult because of the repulsing electromagnetic forces between the protons. In traditional fusion this is achieved by very high pressure and temperature in the fusing material.

    The mass of a helium nucleus (consisting of two protons and two neutrons) and other light nuclei are less than the mass of the same number of free protons, neutrons or deuterium nuclei. A deuterium nucleus consists of on proton and one neutron. Heavy water contains deuterium instead of ordinary hydrogen and is therefore designed D2O. When fusion takes place, this mass difference cannot be lost. It is converted to kinetic energy and gamma radiation. Therefore fusion of protons, neutrons or kernels of the very lightest elements into heavier elements is a very potent energy source.

    One has not been able to make a controlled fusion by high temperature and pressure that yields more energy than the input energy yet. The only practical way one has managed to exploit the energy from warm fusion is the hydrogen bomb.


    There is no fully developed model for cold fusion yet. The hypothesis behind the phenomenon is however very simple: All particles behave according to quantum mechanical laws. These laws say that the coordinates and energy state of a particle at one point in time determine the probability of finding a particle a place with some given coordinates at another point of time, but the exact place cannot be predicted. Actually, a particle can be found anywhere at that other time point, put all places do not have the same probability. Some places are very probable, and others are very improbable. Because of this, even a particle that is not in any net motion nevertheless will shift place randomly to some extend, usually very little, but sometimes more.

    By bringing particles and nuclei very near each other by using some force, this will happen: The quantum mechanical behaviour will as always make the particles shift their position more or less all the time, and sometimes they get near enough to let the strong nuclear forces to take action and make them fuse.

    According to standard understanding of the standard theory, this cannot happen in such a degree to be detected. Still it does. Either the standard theory is not complete, or one has not learned to use the theory in a right fashion. The mathematical apparatus of the theory is so complicated, that it is impossible to predict what can happen and what cannot happen with a short glance at the equations.

    Cold fusion differs in many aspects from warm fusion. It is difficult to produce warm fusion of other things than one deuterium and one tritium kernel. By cold fusion, two deuterium kernels easily fuse to helium, and even fusion involving hydrogen kernels (free protons) have been reported.

    Output of neutrons (n), tritium (T), protons (p) and gamma radiation has been reported by cold fusion, but not in the amount predicted by standard understanding. These are the reactions that standard understanding predicts when two deuterium kernels fuse: D + D --> 3He + n, D + D --> T + p, D + D --> 4He + gamma photon.


    The original experiment exerted by Pons and Fleischmann consisted of these elements: A palladium cathode, a nickel anode and a solution of sodium deuteride NaOD (20%) in heavy water D2O. Sodium deuteride is sodium hydroxide with heavy hydrogen (deuterium) in the OH- ion, and therefore designed as OD-.

    When electricity was applied to this electrolytic system, deuterium atoms were produced at the cathode, and oxygen at the anode. The deuterium atoms went into the palladium crystal lattice in great extend before combining to D2.

    Excess heat was then produced in the electrolytic cell, apart from the electrolytic heat. Helium, tritium and neutrons were also produced, but the latter two products not in the amounts that would have been produced in a hot fusion. Therefore the fusion reactions in the system are different form those in hot fusion, and probably more complicated.

    Only few scientists managed to reproduce the results in the first place, because of bad documentation from the originators. However, some of them succeeded, and gradually the conditions for a satisfactory fusion have been established. The best fusion occurs when the palladium is somewhat over-saturated, that is when there are nearly as many atoms of deuterium as those of palladium in the crystal.

    The saturation is controlled by the voltage applied, and by using palladium structures composed of very thin layers or very small grains. The electrolysis in itself is only a means to put deuterium into the palladium crystal matrix.


    As seen, cold fusion processes can be initiated by packing many deuterium kernels into inter-atomic rooms in a crystal lattice. A critical density for starting a fusion process seems to be the same density as in liquid pure deuterium. Since there is no fusion process in liquid deuterium, the crystal lattice probably packs the deuterium kernels together in tight sub-microscopic groups with much greater density than the average density in the lattice as a whole, and thus allowing quantum mechanical tunnelling between the kernels in the groups.

    There are other electrolytic solutions than that used by Fleischman and Pons that can be used in combination with palladium electrodes to obtain cold fusion. By electrolysing a solution of KCL/LiCL/Lid using a palladium anode, signs pointing at cold fusion have been reported, but many attempts of reproducing the results have failed.

    Any force that is able to push enough D+ ions into the right types of metal crystal lattice, can be used to deliver cold fusion. For example can signs of fusion be produced by bombarding the right kind of metallic lattice with accelerated D+ - ions.

    By an electrical discharge between palladium electrodes in a deuterium gas, signs of fusion have been seen. By such a discharge, plasma consisting of D+ ions and electrons will be formed between the electrodes. The D+ ions will be attracted to the surface of the negative electrode, and a high density of D+ will occur at this surface. Since also these D+ -ions will have a high thermic energy; many of them will be thrown very near each other. Quantum-mechanical tunnelling can then do the rest of the approaching process, so that fusion can take place.

    Also high pressure can be used to push enough deuterium into a metal lattice to give fusion. For example, by having finely divided palladium grains in a pressurized deuterium gas, signs of fusion have been produced, and replicated by other scientists.

    Also by reactions where nickel metal and H2 combine, signs of fusion have been detected. Even though H2 and not D2 has been used, the reaction has still been reported to take place. This points to a very different reaction mechanism than that of warm fusion. Some scientists speculate that hydrogen atoms can exist in quantum states where the electron and proton are so near each other that the atom reacts like a neutron.


    By bombarding gas bubbles in a liquid by ultrasonic waves, the bubbles can be brought into an extreme oscillation of expansions and collapses synchronized with the sound frequency.

    Such oscillating bobbles can send out light by certain frequencies of expansions and collapses, and by the right compositions of the gas. By each collapse, the spot temperature in the bobble can reach as much as 10 mill degrees, even though the average temperature in the total blending is near room temperature.

    When deuterium is present in the oscillating bobbles, fusion has been observed. This fusion is strictly not cold fusion, but resembles hot fusion, and the process sends out neutrons, gamma-rays and tritium atoms as predicted by standard understanding.

    The process has not been reported to produce more energy that that put in, but is confirmed by independent investigators.


    Cold fusion in crystal lattices has been shown to produce more energy than that put in. Experimental 1 MW or more experimental reactors has been set up and demonstrated.

    Commercial reactors are by now being developed, but no one has yet been able to show a reactor with stabile enough operation to be sold on the market. Commercial household heaters seem to be the first type of reactors these companies try to develop. The hope of the companies is that these will make a way for greater reactors and uses in the market.

    By now it is not easy to see how successful cold fusion will be in the energy market. Cold fusion may make a revolution that gives the world cheap clean energy in enormous quantities, but no one knows yet.

    Knut Holt is an internet marketer and consultant focusing at technical and scientific items. To find: Remote controle helicopters, airplanes, cars and boats. Airsoft guns of all models. Chemistry sets. Electronic sets, transmitters and electronic components. Professional microscopes and binoculars. Night vision instruments: ---


    For cosmetic products, supplements to help against common diseases and anti-aging products: ---


    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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  • How to slim down successfully and stay slim -- Knut Holt, 07:21:27 02/05/14 Wed
    How to Loose Weight and Get Slim

    To get slim you must reduce your energy intake and increase your bodily activity so that you use more energy, but you must still eat so that you get all essential nutrients.


    When someone gets over-weight, it is caused by a too high consume of energy-rich nutrients and by a too low activity level. An effective slimming is dependent upon a reduction in energy consume and an increase in daily bodily activity. Here is how this can be achieved:

    - Reduce the amount of fat you consume. Make your meals from lean meat, lean fish, lean poultry, mushrooms, seafood or other lean raw materials. Do not add much extra fat to your dishes, like butter and oil.

    - Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume, like sugar and starch. To achieve this eat less bread, potatoes, beans, peas and other sources of carbohydrates. Do not add extra sugar to your meals. Fill your lust for sweet taste by eating fruit in natural form and by using natural fruit juices without added sugar.

    - Reduce drastically your consume of sweeties, cakes, chocolate, sweet beverages and the like, since these products are garantied to give you an exaggerated consume of fat and sugar, and likely the least healthy kind of fat and sugar.

    - If you eat very much you should also reduce your total consume of food. To get your stomach well filled, you can however increase the amount of vegetables and fruit at each meal, since this will not give you much extra fat and carbohydrates.

    - Do some exercises every day. Try to vary between muscle training and exercises that give you good condition, like running, cycling, swimming, ball play and the like. Choose something you like to do, and preferably together with some friends.

    A successful slimming program is also dependent upon a healthy diet that makes you feel well, helps your calory burning and makes you able to be active. Such a diet contains all the essential nutrients you need. To achieve this:

    - Eat three or four meals every day. Do not skip any meal.

    - Every meal should contain some protein rich food like lean fish, lean meat, poultry, mushrooms, lean diary products or seafood. If you do not eat meat or fish, combinations of diary products, mushrooms, peas, beans, soya, nuts, sunflower seeds and almonds can give you proteins. Many of these food types also contain carbohydrates and fat too, so you must watch the amount you consume.

    - Eat some food with carbohydrates in each meal, since you still need some carbohydrates, like full corn bread, popatoes, peas and beans.

    - You still need some essential fat of the types mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated omega-3 and poly-usaturated omega-6. To satisfy this need, eat every day some of these food types: fat fish, sunflower seeds, almonds, nuts, avocados or other fat fruit. Vary between these types of food, but do not over-consume them. Fat fish is very good for your health, so everybody should eat some of it. If you prefere to use oil to satisfy your need for fat, use olive oil, rape oil or flax oil.

    - To get enough vitamins and minerals, eat some vegetables at each meal. They should preferably be raw. If you cook them, also use the water from the cooking, since much of the minerals and vitamins will get into that water.

    - A supplement of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and herbs may be useful to enhance your ability to burn fat.


    Knut Holt is an internet marketer interested in the health field. For natural products against edema, hemorrhoids, poor memory and concentration, hypothyroidism, over-weight, congested heart, acne, diabetes, UTI, yeast infection, insomnia, and for products for other problems in the muscles, joints, windpipe, stomach, nervous system, circulation and hormonal system, please see his web-site. Also male and female sex products. Also more information about health, sex, training and fitness.


    Article Source: http://article-niche.com/launch/The-Principles-Of-Successful-Slimming.htm

    This article is free to copy as long as the author's name and link is present.

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  • Low Carb Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Easier, but It Gives Dangers too -- Knut Holt, 10:26:50 10/29/13 Tue
    Low Carbohydrate Dieting to Loose Weight


    A popular approach to loose excessive body fat and to improve certain aspects of health is low carbohydrate dieting. This approach may give the best weight loss results for some people, and some may also improve general health this way, but it may be dangerous for others. Read how to do it the best way here and how to diminish the dangers.


    low,carbohydrate,dieting,how to,loose weight,diet,benefits,hazards


    If you think about loosing weight and possibly also improve your general health with a low carbohydrate approach, you must do it the right way to avoid the downright opposite result or even make hazard to your health. Here are some useful advices.


    All types of effective diets are based on a reduction of the total amount of energy you consume. That means you must consume less carbohydrates, less fat or less of both. You must therefore eat less than before.

    By the low carbohydrate approach you radically reduce your carbohydrate consume, that is the consume of sugar and starch. You still need some energy, and 80 % of that energy shall come from intake of fat according to the typical receipts. You shall also have a high consume of protein.

    If you have a diet with nearly no fat consume in the first place, you will need to increase this consume somewhat when you radically reduce the consume of carbohydrates.

    The diet must also contain enough dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The fat you consume should be a mix of mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated of the type omega-6, polyunsaturated of the type omega-3 and only moderate amounts of the saturated type. Nothing of it should be chemically altered in any way.

    Your diet should also be such that your blood sugar level is moderate and nearly constant all the time. Such a diet is said to have a low glycemic index. By basing most of your energy need on fat, you achieve much of this goal, since this is only slowly converted to sugar. The carbohydrates you consume must be from natural unrefined sources to further complete this objective, since such carbohydrates are taken up slowly. Eating 3 - 4 meals of moderate size every day will also help.


    To achieve this, you stop adding sugar in your food and stop consuming premade dishes or drinks with added sugar. You shall also only have a law intake of food with a high starch content, like potatoes, cereals, bread, peas or beans. The amount you still eat of these food sources shall be unrefined and also otherwise natural.

    Much of your diet shall be based upon food rich in proteins and unsaturated fat like: fat fish, nuts, almonds, flax seeds and sunflower seeds.

    You can also consume some food rich in proteins, saturated fat and cholesterol like whole milk, fat diary products and fat red meat but do not let these be a major part of your diet.

    Fat added to your meals should mainly be mono-unsaturated like that in olive oil. You should avoid adding much butter which contains the saturated type, or much oils containing the type omega-6 like soy oil or corn oil to avoid getting a bad fat mix.

    You shall however not take in too much fat either. Therefore you must solve the rest of your need for proteins with lean fish, lean meat, poultry, mushrooms, lean milk and lean diary products.

    You must also eat good amounts of vegetables and some fruit to get enough dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals. Even though fruit is sweet, you will hardly get too much carbohydrates from a moderate consume of fruit.

    You should not at all use margarine or other sources of chemically altered fat. Avoid sweet drinks, snacks and cookies since these products contain a lot of added sugar and often the worst form of fat. Make all your dishes yourself from unprocessed food sources, since you then have full control of the types of nutrients you consume.


    Some people report that it is easier to loose weight with this approach, but scientific investigation is so far not conclusive about this claim. It is not clear exactly why this slimming approach shall work better for some. Possibly it is only because it makes some persons feel full and satisfied earlier and longer and therefore eat less with this approach. But possibly the approach also results in a higher rate of fat burning.

    If you have tendency to freeze on limbs you might feel warmer and thus more comfortable by eating a higher amount of fat.

    The approach can be good for people in a pre-diabetic state and help to stabilize the blood sugar content for persons suffering from diabetes. It can possibly be used as a major treatment modality for diabetes type 2. The diet may thus allow diabetics to gradually reduce the dose of insulin.


    Many experts are of the opinion that a high amount of fat in the diet is dangerous for the health, regardless of what type of fat you consume. This danger may however not be there if you consume the right combination of fat types.

    It is however difficult to have a high fat consume with the right mix of fat types. If you eat much fat meat and much fat diary products, you will get too much saturated fat. If you eat much eggs you can get too much cholesterol. You will then probably increase your risk for heart and circulatory disease if you are predisposed.

    You should monitor your cholesterol level well when using this diet approach, and go back to another type of diet if it elevates or if you get worse symptoms of circulatory disease.

    Diabetics that begin a low carbohydrate approach can experience a dangerous drop in blood sugar levels. To avoid this one must begin gradually, monitor the blood sugar level well and adjust the dose of insulin to fit all the time.

    It takes longer time for the body to mobilize fat and use it for work than carbohydrates. A low carbohydrate approach can therefore reduce your ability to do physical work or to exercise, especially the first weeks. The body tend however to adjust to the new main energy source, so that most persons regain the working ability after some time.

    Fat contains more energy than carbohydrates. If you do not manage to reduce the amount of food you eat well enough, you can get the opposite result and actually get fatter with this approach.


    Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.


    This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.

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  • Low Carb Diets - Benefits and Dangers -- Knut Holt, 10:23:34 10/29/13 Tue
    A varied healthy diet without refined sugar and strarch and with enough fiber and liquid will often cure the problem. But sometimes one must find out if specific ingredients cause the bloating or try natural remedies made specific for the problem. What causes bloating is however individual.

    Please see remedies against bloating and other stomach problems here:


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  • Edwins Restaurant Best Caribbean Feast in Canada -- Sanita John, 00:08:57 02/29/12 Wed
    You can find the best Caribbean Feast Restaurants in Canada. Take a time a get visited to Edwins Restaurant. We are committed to ensure that your visit to our establishment will be most enjoyable and memorable. All our menu selections are freshly done.

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  • DIET AND EARN EXTRA CASH -- NINA, 11:12:03 09/03/07 Mon
    Millionare in just a few weeks

    Dear Internet User,This is a simple formula on how to Turn $6.00 into $60,000...read this to find out how!!! READING THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I found this on a bulletin board like this one and decided to try it. A little while back, I was browsing through several newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you need to send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are millions) No catch, which was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!... Within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works.... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! SUGGESTION: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage). IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it really works!!!! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue it's success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list. ~~~>HERE ARE 4 EASY STEPS TO GET STARTED<~~~ STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope ( Please make sure that the bill wouldn't be noticed in the envelope to prevent thievery). Send out US $ DOLLAR, so it would be more acceptable. STEP 2: Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them properly. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the phrase, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.", your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting for a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us, I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses below:

    1) Janine Williams 99-02 207st Jamaica,Ny11429

    2) Josh Lathan 112 1st street Montgomery, AL 36110

    3) Elizabeth Young 1057 Marlboro Road Bennettsville S.C. 29512

    4) Jasmine reece 99-02 207st QueensVillage ,NY11429

    5) Brandy Brackin 8898 Shreck rd. Bartow ,Fl 33830

    6) SHONTA 231 Curly Lane Bennettsville S.C.29512

    STEP 3: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list. STEP 4: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 2.4million groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, US Postal and Lottery Laws or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of Federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which states; "a product or service must be exchanged for money received." The simple note in the letter, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST", makes it legal because you are paying for exchange of a service, (adding the purchasers name to his mailing list) for a $1.00 fee. : Keep a copy of these steps for your self and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way. NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! ~~~>DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS<~~ Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, right click and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory. Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your mouse cursor at the top of the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name and postal address to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to. Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)You can post anywhere!!! There are tons of free bulletin boards if you just look for them!! Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the "post" message button. You're done with your first one! NOTE: Please don't SPAM or send unsolicited emails. It's completely illegal. Send emails to all the people you know or any ways that allows you to, instead of SPAMMING.( Just a reminder). Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about a minute for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.**

    *Now the WHY part; Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still ONLY 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet

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  • is it normal to gain weight when going to the gym ? -- michelle (concerned), 10:40:17 08/23/07 Thu
    hi there i am really concered that i am getting fat about 5/6 weeks ago i joined a gym and go 3 times a week i prob weight and extra added 6 pounds on top of my usual weight ,is this normal or should i be worried .one of the reasons i didnt really want to go to the gym is because you gain weight through gaining muscle but i need reasurance that i am doing the wright thing and need to no if the weighting heavier is normal thaks for your time .
    lots of love michelle xxx

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  • Im 15 male and wanna loose weight but dunno where to start. -- UK Daniel, 18:04:23 02/26/06 Sun
    well im really botherd about my weight i dont eat loads its just i dont get the exisise i way 19 stone :( i tried looking on the websites and stuff they are so confuseing id really apritiate it if you could help.

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  • cant stopp eattinn doodez -- kaerfwjitko, 21:19:05 02/24/06 Fri
    hii omfg doodez i think im so fatt cuz lik i hav blubber and lik my stomaks so big i cant stop eeting i eet so much junkfood and im sooooo fat im like 130 pounds im 13 thats a lott thats overweight and lik i look fatt seriously my stomakss so bigg and lik i hav curves but ther all filled with fat so its reeally ugly and i hav big thiez wich is ugly and i hate it!!i donno how to stop eating i just eat so much never stop i tell myself ok i needa stop but nope i eeat and eeat annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd EAAAT!!

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  • wrong -- Kimm, 19:31:18 02/07/06 Tue
    I am 17, i weight 125 and i am 5'3" i would like to be at 115 but you could probably die if you only weighed 60 lbs. not to mention that that would look nasty, I think your bones and organs probably take up about that much weight. You need to be happy with your body and stop witht hte eating disorder attempts.

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  • Foods that are good and bad for diabetes -- Josephine Barbiere, 17:47:19 08/20/04 Fri
    I have just heard from my Doctor that my suger was high.He asked me to stay away from carbohydrates. I'm not sure I know what that is. What foods? I never had this before. I want to know exactly what I can or cannot eat.
    I am a bread freak. I want to know if this is allowed or not. If I can eat bread what kind and how much. I also love tomatoes, what sort of meat and fish can I eat. Vegetables? I know that breads, pasta, potatoes etc. are not good.
    Could someone let me know I would appreciate it.
    This has hit me pretty hard since I lost 23 LBS on Weight Watchers.

    Thank you,
    Josephine Barbiere

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  • Loose Skin -- Alaine, 20:08:02 07/09/04 Fri
    I have lost 85 pounds and kept it off. I exercise on a somewhat regular basis... when I'm not in school, working, or with my kids. I haven't gained any weight, but I have this awful jiggle in my tummy because I was so obese. When I'm on all fours, my stomach sort of hangs down, even if I suck in. What can I do about this? I need to lose about 15 more pounds... will that help?

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  • how many carbs, calories and what about coffee? -- Linda, 20:15:04 01/25/04 Sun
    Just happened upon this support group. I was shocked to see pictures of me, what a tubby tuba. I wieghed myself after that at my sisters and I weigh 203@ 5'3". So, HELP
    For two days I have been counting calories, and carbs. I drink coffee like made With sweet@low. I hit 75gr of carbos today and 1229 cals. Yesterday was 1265 cals but mostly made up of sugar, candy, syrup,pancakes (2) and 3 cookies. Need to know how many carbs I can have and what should I shoot for as far as calories if I do both.


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  • I want to loose weight in a week what should I do? -- Diana, 12:17:52 05/05/03 Mon
    hi my name is Diana and I have to go to a wedding next Saturday. I at least need to loose 5-10 lbs. in just a week! Help me

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  • Lo-Carb MLM Programs (ie, like Atkins Goes MLM ????) -- Bill, 19:17:36 02/24/03 Mon
    Like all diets, a lo-carb diet is not right for everybody. Some people do better with weight watchers. some with jenny craig. and others with an all vegeterian diet.

    i am pre-diabetic, so a lo-carb diet has turned out to be just what i needed. i eat about 40% protein and fat, and the rest low-starch veggies like spinach, beansprouts, zuchini, onions, mushrooms.

    i also drink 8 glasses of water a day (or more) and i add metamucel to 4 or 5 of the glasses every day.

    my question is ...

    are there any MLM companies that offer lo-carb foods ?

    i've looked around, and haven't found any.

    i've seen lots that offer hi-carb food replacement drinks, and hi-carb cookies, but none are lo-carb that i've found

    any help and suggestions ?

    THANKS !!!

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  • lower cholestrol -- tammy worthington, 06:29:24 01/25/03 Sat
    I need a lower cholestrol menu. I drive truck and truck stops as you know are full of fatty fried foods. I have decided to start making my own meals but I am in need of advice.

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  • how many carbs should i intake in a day? -- Chrissy, 14:26:17 01/12/03 Sun
    Hello my hubby and i start our low-carb diet tomarrow(1-13-03) and what should the max intake be. I am 5'9" 225lbs, and he is 6'2" 260 lbs.
    I have look high and low and can't find any info!!!Thanks so very much.

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  • im fat -- julianna green, 15:07:56 10/28/02 Mon
    i am thirteen years old and i cant control my eating habits. It shouldnt be this hard to quit eating so unhealthy at such a young age. i weigh 152lb. I dont look that fat but i sure feel like it,its like i have something on my stomach like a cat or something but its always there. All of my friends wee chubby when we were smaller and i was small. Then when everybody thinned out i started to get fat. My mom made me were spandex which didnt really improve the situation. Now i wear clothes that dont make me look so fat. In fact no one really thinks im that fat but i know what my stomach looks like whithout having material to hide it.
    Most people say that im a kid aand i shouldnt worry about it and that i will thin out as i get older, but i thiink it is more important to be healthy when you are a child because you are setting your life long habits at my age and also peer opinions and standards can be very nerve wrecking at this age. When all of my friends traded in all of their junk food for nutri grain bars and salads i tried to too but i just couldnt stop. I eat so much sometimes i have to stay home from school because i feel like i am going to vomit. My mom says i will get skinny soon but everyone on her side of her family has been fat and most have gotten cancer or have had heart attacks. I am just realizing that it is probably beacause of clooged arteries. Im scared because i know it runs genetically. But i want to break the habit by eating healthy,but i cant help it All i think about is food. When im happy i celebrate by eating when im sad i wallow in neverending chocolate, and when im bored i just sit down and eat somemore. What am i supposed to do i cant stop eating i am obsessed with food.

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  • low carb diet -- Karen, 13:15:08 10/24/02 Thu
    Hi, I'm really new to this and am looking for some direction. I have to lose 50 lbs. Any tips that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.



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  • carbs to eat -- Judy, 07:26:05 09/27/02 Fri
    I quite smoking in Feb and have put on a lot of weight and am not going back smoking and some one told me about the carb diet and that is all they said, now I know nothing about it , how many carbs to eat and ect.. So for two day I have not had bread, Pots and drank lots of water, last night come home from church and had cook chicken and wow I ate one piece and did that taste wonderful.. could some one please write and tell me how many carbs I could have , I went in the recipes and does that food sound good but I could eat to much right . I would appreciate it if some one would help me ,,, Thanks so much and blessing to you all and good luck... Judy

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  • i need a diet sheet for cholestrol -- angels dixon, 13:25:52 09/25/02 Wed
    can you give me any ideas on what sort of foods i should not be eating and the foods i should be eating to lower my cholestrol please.

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  • One Month and feeling great -- Lisa, 08:16:20 09/15/02 Sun
    I have been reading everyones progresses and accomplishments that they are doing everyday. WOW!!! I have been on adkins for the second time. The first time Ilost 60 lbs now, what a dummy I was now I have to loose 120 to be at the wieght for my 5"4 frame. I see everyone working so hard at the walking and arobics. I need to get the walking in but just don't know why I am struggling getting into it. My current wieght starting the diet was 243 lbs I am currently stuck at 230 lbs, I have tried to kick my body into gear with ketosis but does not seem to be coming off. Any ideas??? I would love to hear any suggestions that helped others. PLEASE!!!! Thank you so much and God Bless everyone reading.....

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  • Trying to find supplements -- Elizabeth, 13:04:28 09/12/02 Thu
    Just found this message board, thought somewhere here might be able to help me. I come from a very overweight family, my mother is over 100 pounds over weight. We joked when I was a kid because I was so skinny, like I was adopted. But now as an adult, i look back and realize as a child I hated bread. I would not eat a sandwhich, pizza, or any item that I claimed was "to bready". Once I reached high school, I started gaining weight, and this was when I discovered other foods like doughnuts and pastries and such that I would not eat as a child, since they were a flour product.

    I gained about 25 pounds, which for those of you who are struggling with alot of extra weight, I know that is not much. But in high school, it felt like my life was over. I went on Jenny Craig, weight watchers and so on. Lost weight, gained it back. This continued through my marriage, and once I got pregnant with my first child, for some reason I lost a ton of weight. I came out after having my first child weighing 10 pounds less than before pregnancy, and once I nursed I lost even more. Now 3 children later, I am at some of my lowest weight ever.

    Looking through my past I realize it is all based on my consumption of white flour and sugar. My weight goes up when I include those items. I can not say I am on a low carb diet cause I eat rice, brown rice,oatmeal, couscous, corn,potatoes and all of that. I just dont eat any processed white flour or sugar. Ok.. I lied, I do eat cake on a brithday or some french bread if we go out for italian, but I dont keep these products in my home.

    OK... now that I have told a long story. My question.

    I also found I can control my weight and stay at about 110 and a size 3, with 2 products. One is a supplement that gives me some energy, not sure if this really help with weight loss, but it makes me feel good. And also a product called Appitol. This controls my appetite and I really dont eat breads, and I really dont want them. If I dont take this, I really crave breads and pastas and such. On days I do crave any white flour I also include a product called Carbitol, which contains banaba, which makes carbs not taste so good, or so this is how it makes me feel.

    My problem is I currently get these products from a MLM company. I do not want to have to belong to a MLM to get these items. Does anyone know of similar products, where can I get them? without the high cost of belonging to MLM and monthly orders, or without having to buy them at retail from a person in the MLM. Can I get something similar from a health food store? and what would it be under?

    The ingredients in Appitol are- vegetable Cellulose, griffonia seed (I love this item, hard to find)

    and in carbitol is- phaseolus vulgaris seed (what is this?), Gymnena sylvestre leaf, banaba leaf

    Has anyone heard of these types of products, or a similar combo with simliar results in any over the counter products that do not have the $40 each price tag. Thanks for any assistance. I have searched all over online with no results.

    Liz :)

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  • Has anyone else tried Schwarzbein or similar? -- Elizabeth, 10:39:08 08/15/02 Thu
    Hi, I am looking for anyone who has tried Schwarzbein or similar and how their results were. I've been doing if for 2 days now and feel great. I can't do Atkins or very low carb., for some reason I get very sick and can't stand it. So, I've tried this and it seems to be working. It's basically 15 carbs at meals (3x day) and around 5 carbs at snacks (2x day). I feel like I'm already less bloated and maybe even losing. Will know more soon. When I do extremely low carb I stay dizzy, sick to my stomach, no energy. I have to lay down because of the way I feel, and oh the big "D" also. So, if I hoping I can do this, since it makes me feel good and lose also. It's got to be better than all that junk and processed foods. Would appreciate anyone's experience.

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  • Is it normal to feel weak? -- jaytee, 22:57:54 08/10/02 Sat
    Hi all

    I've been on Atkins 3 weeks and I've felt great up until the past 2 or 3 days. I live in a two story house and it is getting increasingly difficult to climb the stairs. My legs are getting weaker every day. I still feel mentally alert and energetic, but the body is not cooperating. Should I add something to my diet or take any certain supplements? And if the muscles in my legs are getting weak, what's happening to my heart? I was very happy with this diet up until this latest development.


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  • Hello Everyone -- Marci, 17:35:06 08/05/02 Mon
    This is my first day on a LC diet. I came across this web site and thought I would give it a try. I need all the the support I can get. I need to loose at least 100 pounds. I have dieted many times to where I lost and gained it all back and then some. Weekends are hard for me,I tell myself i'm going to have just one cookie and get back on my diet the following day. Never happens,I eat and eat till I satisfy all my cravings..then hate myself after.
    I hope this time will be different. Wish me luck and I'll write again soon.

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  • Got to get back on track!!! -- Chati, 08:56:51 08/02/02 Fri
    Hi everyone. I don't know what is wrong with me lately. I have been craving carbs so bad. I have even given in some and because of it I am feeling blah again. I'm not gaining, thank goodness, but I am sure not losing either. I feel huge. I know I can do it, I have done it for 6 months now. I don't know why all of a sudden it is so hard. Well, I just had to get it off my chest. Any ideas on how to get back on track would be very welcome. Thanks for being there everyone!!!

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  • New -- Jen, 07:12:30 07/31/02 Wed
    I am brand new to low carb dieting. Did a little study, some research. Not sure I am using a certain "diet", just watching my carbs, keeping them under 20. Lots of meat, some dairy, trying to get the veggies in there. Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully make some new friends as I am sure that I will need the support. I weight 217 as of yesterday and would like to get down to 145 by my birthday which is next may. Don't know if I can but it is still a nice goal right?

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  • Hi to all of you I am new and soo frustrated with this!! Grrrr -- Drama, 08:15:53 07/23/02 Tue
    Hi to all of you LC dieters!! I am just starting out. I have never been on a diet before in my life, but since having 2 babies my waist went from a 28 to, well lets just say not a lil 28 anymore. I am on my third day and i still feel all ugghh, and blah. What am I doing wrong? I thought I would at least feel better by now. I haven't cheated once and not one soda not even a diet one!!! woohoo for me but... any ideas on how I can feel better without cheating? I will be on the chat tonite, I have sooo many questions and not many answers. Hope to see all you tonite, cant wait to meet you!! :)

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  • excersice -- kim, 06:27:51 07/10/02 Wed
    Well i finally deceided to go and join a gym!(even though i was worried about my size)I went last night and it's for women only,(and their all shapes sizes and ages)which was a big +!they have 10 different machines you work on and each one works on different parts of the body,and it's only a 30 minute work out.I was so nervous i wouldn't be able to keep up or finish the whole 30 min. but i suprised myself and did it.This is my first experience at any type of exersice,i hope it will help with the weight loss.I lost 16 lbs in 10 days,but only 2 in last 11 days???still trying to figure it out,too much carbs not enough carbs, not enough calories???But i'm hanging in there and experimenting!

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  • I Get by with a little help from ... -- Laura, 13:22:36 06/07/02 Fri
    I read a lot of website forums and just want to give some input to those I see struggling with this WOE at the beginning-middle-whenever. There is NOTHING wrong with some assistance chemically. My doctor prescribes Wellbutrin and it is a Godsend. It stops the cravings (it actually was used as a stop-smoking drug originally). It is NOT an amphetimine. You feel nothing. No buzz, no shaking, etc. Sometimes I forget if I've taken it today or not. It has no effects on you other than stopping those cravings. It helps you get over that initial withdrawal from carbs and all the things you miss eating. My doctor is thrilled with my results. BP down, Cholesterol down. Mood and energy up by 1000%. My sister sees a well known Dr. here in our town who does NOTHING but weight loss treatment and advocates Wellbutrin as an assist. We are walking 3 miles a day and limit eating 30-40 carbs per day. This just gives you that extra help and we all need help or we wouldn't be doing this. I've lost 30 pounds since March 27th and feel like a new person. From size 16- size 12. My goal is a size 10 so not too far off. We just got back from a family vacation in Florida, ate good sometimes and really bad others and both lost 2 pounds while there!!! Just thought I'd offer this out there. talk to your doctor and see what he/she thinks. Anything to help you succeed. I should own stock in this stuff, I am such an advocate for it! My sister and I are lucky our health insurance covers it. If not, it is pretty expensive. But I'd pay it myself if I had to (which I did the first month $94.00). Anyway, I'm sure there are those who will be down on this but remember, there are those who badmouth the low carb WOE, so I say to each his own, and don't knock it til you try it!

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  • Frustrated -- Sherry, 08:22:32 05/16/02 Thu
    Well I'm back on my roller coaster. I had lost down to 227 eating more food, but in just four days my weight increased to 235, today it is back down to 232 again.

    There isn't much I can do about it right now. Until tomorrow (payday) I can't easily increase calories and still keep them low carb, we just don't have that much protein in the house at the moment.

    Finding something I can eat at all, without totally going against the guidelines of the diet is difficult right now. I know I didn't eat enough calories yesterday or the day before.

    I think however that I have validated the concept that eating more calories increased my metabolic rate. Two days ago I was SO hungry, it was like I just couldn't get enough food. I'm not usually that hungry, so I think I must have been responding to increased metabolism. Yesterday it was easier to eat less, (but that probably isn't good. I probably slowed myself down again).

    Anyway we have five new baby kittens. Three are black and white, one is tortoishell calico, and one is beige. I watched the beige one be born and it was odd, he was totally enclosed in his water bag when he came out. Looked a little like those vitamins that come in a gel capsule.

    Couldn't tell at first that he was beige like our Tweaky, I thought (when he was wet) that he might be a little orange kitten. Nope, looks just like his daddy. I raised his daddy from a homeless abandoned kitten that didn't have its eyes open, so it is nice to have one to remind me of him when he was small.

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