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Date Posted: 07:18:28 10/31/03 Fri
Author: Brenda
Author Host/IP: netcache-3001.bay.webtv.net /
Subject: A response to me from Skip. I asked when he would have number data on his MS LDN customers
In reply to: Brenda 's message, "A copy of a post about LDN made by Skip(pharmacist) at Skip's Pharmacy in Florida" on 15:40:40 10/24/03 Fri

Thu Oct 30 18:04:42 2003

Our next scheduled student will be in Jan 1. We have gotten wind that a couple want to switch their rotation to us in December, so we will see. It is important to understand the type of data that we will produce. I know that some will cast dispersions because it is 1. ancedotal and 2. it is not controlled. Yes it will be ancedotal. That is the only type of information that can be collected this way. This doesn't denigrate the validity completely but does rely on truthful reporting. Secondly, anyone who has gone on service with us know that I collect all drug and otc information from our patients. (As a matter of fact I refused service to a lady in Ca. because she thought that I was asking too many questions about her drug therapy. Oh well I can't help if I don't have all the information. Turns out that she was on Avonex anyway.) I try to analyze this data and always generate drug interaction data for everyone.

Bottom line, yes the bias that I can be accused of is that I dispense LDN, and would therefore have a vested interest in its success. Believe me, don't believe, either way I still stand on my earlier statement, that if I had MS I would be taking LDN. Would I take Prokarin, yep if it helped, nope if it didn't. I know of many folks that have gone on service for three months, and then after review I wished them well and sent them on their way, because it wasn't doing anything for them.

Pharmacy and pharmacists are like any other folks. You get out of the process what you put in. I truely like helping MS folks because they have been (excuse the french) screwed so often. I believe that I am doing some good and quite frankly that makes me feel good. This works when you have a doctor willing to listen, a patient willing to learn and a pharmacist willing to go the extra mile to find out.

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