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Date Posted: 11:57:11 11/10/03 Mon
Author: Brenda
Author Host/IP: netcache-3003.bay.webtv.net /
Subject: A copy of an MRI update posted by Carol at the Yahoo LDN forum

NOTE, this is a COPY of a post made over on the Yahoo LDN forum. I thought you all might want to see this update.


From:  "sunynbrite"
Date:  Tue Nov 4, 2003  2:22 pm
Subject:  MRI NOT IN MY MIND!!!!

Back in Sept. I wrote, letting you all know that it was my 1 Yr. anniversary of being on LDN. I've had nothing but positive to say about it. In fact, my reason for this post, is to let you know that I saw the films from my last MRI while seeing my Neuro a couple of weeks ago. After my examination, and my Neuro being quite impressed with seeing just how Well I'm doing...He showed me my films. For the past 5 yrs. I've had 4, extremley noticable, lesions on my brain, all of which glowed brightly for my MRI's. Except now ~ 3 of the lesions are just about gone. And one, has shrunk quite a bit. All of which, even my Nuero feels, is happening because the lesions are healing themselves. This is NOT in my mind~!!! Here is a doctor that hasn't prescribed the LDN for me, but stood there telling me NOT TO STOP what I'm doing!! I know That won't happen! I've stopped everything he had me on, from shots to pills, Before starting the LDN so I would know it's full effects. And I have to say~ I could'nt be doing any better. Did I mention I went Hiking this week-end?? Something I haven't done in 5 yrs!!

A "Sugar Pill"???? I don't think so~ a Miracle??? No, (although I surely am blessed). I believe the LDN is doing just what needs to be done, to help keep us from progressing. That Is What I BELIEVE in!


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