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Thursday, March 13, 07:47:28pm Login ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1 ]

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Date Posted: 10:19:48 12/22/03 Mon
Author: Bob
Author Host/IP: evrtwa1-ar4-4-47-068-042.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net /
Subject: Checking back in...

Hi All

I haven't posted in almost three months. Since then, I have started LDN (3.0mg) and have been on it for two months. I will begin using a higher dose @ 4.5 mg starting today or tomorrow.

I am RRMS, and almost immediately noticed an improvement in some of my symptoms, so I am encouraged with the result thus far. I am also still taking Avonex, and haven't noticed any ill-effects from the combination of two drugs.

As far as side LDN side-effects go, while I am better symptomatically, I do feel a little strange during the day. It's hard to describe. I'm also prone to get very sleepy in the late afternoon, and frequently take a little nap of an hour or less when I get home from work. Oddly, I feel quite refreshed and alert after the nap for the few hours before bed time, at which time I have no trouble falling asleep again.

Also, regarding my energy levels, it's hard to predict. Sometimes I seem to have more energy than I have in a long time, while at other times, I feel quite tired.

One other thing, I have received a few comments from others noting how much better I look! I wasn't expecting those kind of comments.

Anyway, Happy Holidays to all!


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