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Date Posted: 15:45:28 02/09/04 Mon
Author: Brenda
Author Host/IP: netcache-3004.bay.webtv.net /
Subject: Re: Dosage - 3mg or 4.5mg
In reply to: Lee 's message, "Dosage - 3mg or 4.5mg" on 14:56:18 02/09/04 Mon

I started out at 4.5mg because that's the dosage Dr Bihari recommends. I've never waivered on that dosage either.

Some have actually found that even higher mg's like 6.0mg or 7mg have been better for them. They were still progressing on 4.5mg but upped it to 6, 7 or 8mg and their progression slowed or halted. And some found that the compounding pharmacy they were using was not mixing it properly and when these people switched to Irmat or Skip's, started seeing better results.

And there will be those that LDN will not help at all but I think they will be a small percentage, maybe 20 to 25 percent, possibly 30%. I know of a few people who were diagnosed with MS and started on LDN and they continued to progress and doing so very rapidly. Those two people found out they had been misdiagnosed with MS but actually they have Lymes. Both are now on antibiotics and are improving. So this tells me that LDN will not do a thing for Lymes.

Approx. two-thirds of MS'ers could see symptom improvement with LDN use. LDN's main purpose is to slow or halt the disease progression of MS like...New Symptoms or multiplying new lesions after being on LDN 6 months to a year.

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