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Date Posted: 12:14:15 04/24/06 Mon
Author: www.refillkit.com.ar
Subject: refilling machine, inkjet refill machine U$S 1090 ariel@refillkit.com.ar

refilling machine, inkjet refill machine U$S 1090 ariel@refillkit.com.ar

The INK-REFILL “F” machine is a revolutionary machine that works to refill ALL black inkjet cartridges and ALL color inkjet cartridges with printheads in just 1-2 minutes! This is the ultimate machine in the REFILLKIT series, capable of filling ANY inkjet cartridge that has a print head! This introductory price of only U$S1090 will end in October, so take advantage now while its on sale!
• Fills a cartridge in about one minute
• Fill about 20-30 cartridges per hour depending on style of cartridge
• Refills ANY HP, Lexmark or Canon cartridge with printheads!
• Brand new machine with 6 month factory guarantee. Warranty card with instructions for repairs or replacement by the factory.
• 120 or 220 volt and plug (just let us know in the comments section which you prefer - 220V for EUROPE or 110V for USA). There is an extra $30 charge for the 110V Volts.
This is the perfect product for a low-cost startup business! Cash in and see how easy it is to turn ink into gold with these convenient and professional filling machines
Inkjet Cartridge Refill Machine filling equipment inkjet filling ink refill machines Cartridge refill machine ink Cartridge Refill Machine
Ink-jet Cartridge Refill Machine, Ink Refill Machine Ink Refilling Machine Ink Refill Machine Refill Machine Ink Cartridge Refilling Machine
Inkjet refilling machines Professional Inkjet Refill Machines inkjet remanufacturing equipment
Black AND Color Cartridge Ink Filling
Toner Station U$ 690 of Work and Aspired ariel@refillkit.com.ar: Projected thinking about the health of the user and in the environment, without damaging the production. Its system permits a vacuum cleaner of dust of toner adapted, facilitating the mopping-up operation, spiral plastic pipe, with free movements for specific works. It includes vacuum The station, permits all the mopping-up operations and refill of any type of toner cartridge, of fast and clean way, without removing in the environment a single particle of tσner. Guarantee 6 Months. U$S 690 FOB Bs As www.refillkit.com.ar
Offices in USA MIAMI ARGENTINA 54-11-4857-3400 ariel@refillkit.com.ar

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