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Subject: Welcome

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Date Posted: 13:18:17 03/01/01 Thu

Hello all, new site, we get moved around so much.
The question that is on the tip of my tongue all the time, is if bob is such a daddy, why doesnt he reveal himself so we may all bask in his comic genius?!
Thats a challenge by the way big man/woman?!
Who wrote that message about griffin girl?!
I didnt have a clue who it was about, but rumors are that it's about Marisa, if it was that was very harsh, Who could have any reason to have a go at Marisa, she hasn't rubbed anyone up the wrong way, who would have reason to do this, i'm taking bets!
Top players are;
Rico 2-1
Greg 10-1 (good odds, i credit him with better taste!)
One of the many Griffin girls affected by her actions 6-1
Braydon 5-1 (She let the cat out of the bag all that time ago, he's still bitter)
Patty 5-1
Burger 100 - 1 (he hates no-one but spends a lot of time on this site, so his a pos)
Vern 10 - 1 (can be nasty)
Scallan 10 -1 (see above)
Porter 200 - 1 (see burger)

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