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Isle of Luster

A large island waits, not far offshore, it's luscious grasses and rich vegitation tempting any who would try approaching through the strong current. The more cautious, if they were of sound mind and sharp eyes, would find a tunnel of rock, starting at the nearby cliffs and running under the ocean current to emerge upon the rocky shore of the isle. This may, however be perilous in stormy weather, for the sea easily floods the island and the tunnel with wrathful waves, drowning any unfortunate enough to be caught within. The less brave and more patient of creatures will find that low tide, although occuring but twice a day, serves the safest route, the water reaching to the withers of an average horse. A spring bubbles out of the highest point on the large island, flowing eastward to empty into the salty ocean below. Although perhaps the most secure territory, it proves perilous in both it's access and flooding.. which occurs annually, leaving any upon the island stranded upon the highest points for a few days...

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