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Date Posted: 07:21:17 02/24/04 Tue
Author: Vivian Morasca
Subject: Word Idol brought big names to Kurt, Heinz, Kelly and Alexnader.

World Idol in December/January brought big names to the international market. Particularly four of the eleven contestants are gonna break it internationally (Will Young already has, and so has Kelly- but Kelly is spreading to more countries!)

Heinz of SA became chums with Guy Sebastian and ALexander Klaws of Germany is actually in South Africa (Cape Town) to shoot his next music video. Heinz will be officially released in 7 European countries on March 8. Kelly Clarkson will release albums in South Africa, Denmark, Australia and 5 European countries.

But the biggest success lies in Kurt. His new Album will be released in May/June and is expected to reach global destinations of 22 countries, including all eleven countries that participated with him in World Idol, and the whole Pan Arab region. Also in Namibia in Africa. Heinz's new ALbum will be released in April and is making a song with Danny Kay who is a South AFrican singer and attended Oprah's 50th Birthday to sing for her his hit song "Who's that girl" Kelly is making it big time with Clay AIken and the two will be making a duet in due time. Her new album will be released at the end of 2004/ early 2005.


-- Vivian (The wicked and sumptuous babe, from Florida)

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