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Date Posted: 12:18:31 12/26/03 Fri
Author: Sarah
Subject: My idols

When Alexander opened the show, I thought I was watching a bad soundmix-show, I hope he can do better then this, otherwise, I'm very disappointed by the Germans... Guy Sebastian and Jamai didn't impress me, Kelly and Will are obviously products of the american and brittish consumation society, easy to swallow, and I can't see what people see in Heinz, obviously bad taste...
Alex impressed me with her maturity (she really stood there!!), and Ryan and Diana were not too bad either...
But the real winners are...
Peter Evrard and Kurt Nilsen of course... They obviously can sing and they impressed by staying true to themselves... I don't think one of them will win (and honestly, I think it's better that way), but I really do hope that they will get the possibilities to make a big music carreer.
By the way, I hope they showed in every country how Peter had a reply the arrogant and subjective jury !!!

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[> You are joking, right? What did you say,,, about Peter Evrard?? Ewww, everytime he appeared on TV I wanted to switch ot off. This is POP Idol, not ROCK idol. I think the Pan_Arab chic, Diana was good... but not Peter! -- Roxy, 14:15:18 12/26/03 Fri [1]

>When Alexander opened the show, I thought I was
>watching a bad soundmix-show, I hope he can do better
>then this, otherwise, I'm very disappointed by the
>Germans... Guy Sebastian and Jamai didn't impress me,
>Kelly and Will are obviously products of the american
>and brittish consumation society, easy to swallow, and
>I can't see what people see in Heinz, obviously bad
>Alex impressed me with her maturity (she really stood
>there!!), and Ryan and Diana were not too bad either...
>But the real winners are...
>Peter Evrard and Kurt Nilsen of course... They
>obviously can sing and they impressed by staying true
>to themselves... I don't think one of them will win
>(and honestly, I think it's better that way), but I
>really do hope that they will get the possibilities to
>make a big music carreer.
>By the way, I hope they showed in every country how
>Peter had a reply the arrogant and subjective jury !!!

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" [> Well at least Heinz can sing!! Some of the others were terrible. -- J, 18:56:00 12/26/03 Fri [1]

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