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Date Posted: 16:26:51 07/17/06 Mon
Author: Tjara
Subject: Nostalgia galore!

oh wow, my Firefox managed to delete all links so it deleted my link to this place as well. Then I go random google-searching my character I use in another game today and find something hilarious posted by somebody in some RPG on some voy forum who had a character with the same name mine did. I laugh my ass off, then scroll around and think "wow, some of these names look familiar". Two minutes later I burst out laughing because this was my own character on Terole. Now my sides hurt! I even showed my friend and called my own writing 'extremely lame' before realising who I was talking about.

My writing has changed a lot! haha, but what was even more fun was seeing Terole reopened! I almost squealed in joy and disbelief! I'm reading the intro and wondering if to re-join. And if I do, who with! This is so amazing! I've bookmarked this place again. XD So many of my characters started out here before being transfered or sadly vanished. Wheee! *excitement*

And yeah, I'm Matthildur or Matt but Tjara is much simpler and fewer mistake me for a bloke when I'm not Matt. XD

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