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Date Posted: 13:43:57 08/28/06 Mon
Author: LG
Subject: Answers re: my characters!
In reply to: Kitty 's message, "One more thing..." on 12:29:10 08/28/06 Mon

And dude, I'm on the same orientation schedule as you are. What college are you at? (I mean, I know you're not HERE, as creepy-cool as that would be. I'm just curious now. =^^;;=)

Okay, I actually am horrible at RPing my female flights, honestly. I mean, I enjoy it (*coughA'lan/A'diancough*), but being creative with it is HARD and I have a library of, like, five flight tricks. (Up! Down! Spiral/corkscrew! Switch back! Zig-zag! Sometimes I can expand on them by incorporating the landscape, but that is basically my entire female-flight library. NOW YOU KNOW! Feel free to incorporate this knowledge of my weaknesses into any future flights you have with me.)

The point of that all is that the flight would not be an exciting opening, so let's RP it out beforehand with you guys and re-open with the clutch? We will probably also attract more people that way, unless you want to have a lot of people join as existing bronzeriders or something, because immediate clutches seem to get more attention.

Also, if I am allowed to keep all of them, I'd like to hang on to all my characters' current positions (unless you want to replace T'gan or leave his position open, I'm totally down with that if you think it would fit your new write-up better). I have few enough that I can comfortably promise that these, at least, I can keep as active as my college schedule allows. *hedging all bets like a madwoman this week*
Talla - Junior Weyrwoman (though that's kind of a given)
T'gan - Weyrsecond (you also mentioned temporarily making him a Wingleader or something due to shortages, but I think of him as the most totally up-in-the-air anyway so I dunno on any of it, pending your write-up? Excuse the incoherency I'm totally frazzled right now)
Gisella - Headwoman
Yima - Wher-Hall Master

I'm sort of assuming that the lesser Crafters (Journeymen and Apprentices, for me) are going to be able to keep their ranks if we fit them in with your write-up? Yes, no? *headtilt*

And I want to do something for the Wher-Hall (if it stays my/Yima's concern), namely a clutch or something, but I also want to stagger that to be a month or so AFTER Mylanith's clutch - both to give the Weyr proper space to increase population and all, and to give the Wher-Hall time to do the pre-clutch training. (Unless Dragonfire or whatever that new book is totally contradicts my 20%-canon, 40%-canon extrapolation, 40%-"creativity" notions of how the Wher-Hall would work, but it looked like it was mostly about firestone mining. I can't read it now though because Mom wanted to finish it and wouldn't let me take it with me. *sobs* I'll have her email it to me later, I want it for info for Janis and Hale anyway.)

I hope that made sense. And I probably will think of ten more things to babble at you about the moment I shut down the computer, but I have to go by at my work office in fifteen minutes and then I have to do my homework for today's classes and organize some sort of an agenda to keep track of things and... yeah. College is big and scary. ._. So I'll make notes of the aforementioned ten more things if I DO think of any of them, and reply to this with them later. If I think of them.

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