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Date Posted: 13:11:22 10/07/06 Sat
Author: LG
Subject: Question for Kitty inside...?
In reply to: Kitty 's message, "Important Post #2" on 04:10:54 10/07/06 Sat

Since I didn't know how far to age up my characters (I'm assuming at least a Turn or two has passed if the young dragons are fully grown?), I just put down the ages on my character sheets, so they're that age+however many Turns you're jumping. =^^;;= (This is not the question from the subject line, that's further down. XD)

Talla - female - 20 - dragonrider - Junior Weyrwoman - gold Stanza, brown Chapter, green Verse
Mylanith - gold - adult

T'gan - male - 26 - dragonrider - Weyrsecond(?) - brown Kestor, blue Westar, green Tresta
Chuth - bronze - adult

N'ris - male - 22 - dragonrider - N/A - brown Stern, blue Starboard
Roventh - brown - adult

D'minic - male - 20 - dragonrider - N/A - bronze Homer, blue Raz, green Vala
Ulyssanth - brown - adult

S'kar - male - 23 - dragonrider - N/A - brown Smoke, blue Smidge
Raskith - blue - adult

P'rin - male - 24 - dragonrider - N/A - bronze Dell
Caphoth - blue - adult

D'rai - male - 22 - dragonrider - N/A - none
Sengaloth - blue - adult

K'vren - male - 18 - dragonrider - N/A - bronze Pell, brown Nero, blue Osko, green Meki
Notusith - blue - adult

Akema - female - 24 - dragonrider - N/A - brown Dustin, blue Orsten, green Wista
Laffranth - green - adult

R'ven - male - 27 - dragonrider - N/A - gold Athena, bronze Vey, green Kree
Massath - green - adult

A'dian - male - 18 - dragonrider - N/A - brown Arbol
Vitaliath - green - adult

Z'ni - male - 18 - dragonrider - N/A - none
Jesaketh - green - adult

Gisella - female - 46 - weyrfolk - Headwoman - brown Ren, brown Tev

Marja - female - 25 - Healer - Journeyman

Janis - male - 26 - Miner - Journeyman

Question! If all the dragons are fully grown, should the baby-whers be so too? I'm assuming so for Mikhal here. (And leaving him at Apprentice because I'd always seen Journeyman as the point where a Crafter gets sent someplace else to do work, but that's just me. >_>;;) Listing the whers like dragons for simplicity.

Yima - female - 33 - wher-handler - WherMaster - none
Yimask - gold - adult

Mikhal - male - 18 - wher-handler - Apprentice - none
Misk - bronze - adult

Oriana - female - 28 - wher-handler - Apprentice - none
Orisk - blue - adult

Hale - male - 64 - wher-handler - Master - none
Halsk - green - elder

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  • *goes off to collect chars* -- Aylana, 21:10:30 10/08/06 Sun

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