Subject: Penis anatomy. how the penis works, how to get bigger and straighter penis and better erections |
Author: Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 06:26:21 05/16/17 Tue
The Structure and Function of The Penis
By Knut Holt
The visible penis consists of two sections - the penis head or glans penis and the penile shaft. However, the penis continues as a hidden structure laying under the scrotum and reaching further backward in the perineal area towards the prostate. When the penis is erect, also the perineum, the area between the legs will be swollen.
The urinary tube (urethra) goes from the bladder, then through the prostate, then enters this penile structure just beneath the prostate and then goes forward all the way to the tip of the penis.
In the visible penis and in the structure extending backwards there are three bodies that swell during erection, erectile bodies. The bodies are mostly made of a tight mesh of fine blood vessels with very elastic walls. There are two bodies along the upper part of the penis (corpora cavernosa) that extend backwards under the scrotum. Then there is one body around the urethra (corpus spongiosum) that continues backwards to just under the prostate.
The arteries leading blood to the erectile bodies and the veins leading blood from these bodies have muscles in their walls that can close off or relax to regulate the blood flow to and from these bodies.
When the muscles at the entrance relax and those at the outlet constrict, blood is filled into the mesh by the blood pressure. The erectile bodies will then engorge as a balloon and get straight. The swelling and straightening of the erectile bodies will inflate the whole penis and make it erect. This activity is regulated by nerve impulses and the substance nitrogen oxide working as a local tissue hormone.
All the inner structures of the penis are surrounded by a robust sheet of elastic connective tissue, the fibrous envelope. In the area between the legs there is a sheet of muscles between the fibrous envelope and the perineal skin, the two bolbospongiosus muscles. These muscles contract during ejaculation and help to pump out the semen.
The penile skin is thick and robust. Between the skin and the fibrous envelope, there is a thin area consisting of a soft and extremely elastic connective tissue. Therefore the skin can easily be moved up and down along the penile shaft.
The penis head is covered by a thin skin which is extremely sensitive by means of a rich innervation. Still this thin skin is both strong and elastic. In addition the skin in an uncircumcised penis is covered by a hood that is not stuck to the surface of the head after early infancy, the foreskin.
The foreskin is a continuation of the skin covering the shaft that goes to the tip of the penis and is then folded back inwards, making a double layer, where the inner fold is fastened just under the penis head. Between the two folds there are an extremely soft and elastic tissue.
The foreskin can easily be retracted to show the bare penis head, and it uses to retract itself when the penis is erect. When the penis is not erect, the foreskin protects the penis head.
In early infancy the foreskin is fixed to the penis head, but will gradually loosen, usually during early infancy, but in a preteen boy there can still be some adhesions left around the base of the head.
In some cultures it is custom to remove the foreskin for various reasons by an operation called circumcision., making the penis head permanently exposed and visible. When circumcision is done in early infancy, the procedure also involves tearing the fixed foreskin loose from the surface of the head.
The skin of the penis head produces a white creamy substance called smegma which helps to lubricate the penis during intercourse. Smegma is a blending of oils secreted through the skin on the glans, cells loosened from the skin surface and substances produced by sebaceous glands on the inside of the foreskin. With improper hygiene too much smegma can accumulate and give excessive bacterial growth and bad smell.
The main nerves controlling the penile function and bringing sensual stimuli from the penis are the dorsal penile nerves, situated on both sides in the connective tissue of the upper side of the penis and branching out to all parts of the penis. Erection is controlled by sensual stimuli going to the spinal cord and control impulses coming back, both through this nerve. Ejaculation is controlled by other nerves going to the muscle sheet in the perineum and to all other structures involved in bringing the semen out.
The main blood supply of the penis comes from the dorsal penile arteries going in the connective tissue at the upper side of the penis and branching off to all parts of the penile skin and inner penile structures.
Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. TO FIND health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, PLEASE VISIT:
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Methods in Use for Penis Enhancement and Improvement
By Knut Holt
A fairly common wish by man is to get a larger penis, especially in the erect state, but sometimes also when flaccid. The objective for this can be a penis of less than normal size, causing physiological problems. The common length of an erect penis is from 12.9 to 15.0 cm (5.1 to 5.9 inches), which is shorter that commonly believed. Other times a man thinks he simply will feel more well with a bigger penis, which might be right or wrong. In either case there are many methods used to achieve the wanted result, but none of the methods are well investigated scientifically, so that the judgment of the methods must be based on personal reports from men having tried them.
A group of methods are based on a daily stretching of the penis in a long period. The mechanical forces thus exerted will stimulate the tissue to get thicker and more robust, which is a basic response from tissues in all body part when subjected to daily mechanical forces. By stretching with a right degree of force, microscopic cavities will also form in the tissues. These will be filled with new cells so that the tissue expands. When stretching the penis to expand it, one must balance the forces so that they are effective, but still not make symptomatic injuries.
One traditional penis stretch method is sitting with a weight hanging down from the penis in a cord for up to half an hour each day. Usually one uses an elastic ring or lock around the penis just under the penile head to fasten the cord. One can also find arrangements that pull the penis upward with a cord and some elastic mechanism fasted in a belt around the neck or the waist. Using a too heavy weight or pull, using a too tight ring around the penis, or stretching too long each time by these methods can however cause tissue injury or scars. Also the groin area will be stretched, and this can cause unwanted expansion of the tissue also there.
Also manual manipulations of the penis so that it gets stretched and the blood flow is stimulated has a long tradition. One popular method, called Jelqing or milking, is to massage the penis from the root to the tip with a certain well calculated force. By massaging with one hand and holding back with the other at the groin around the penile root, one avoids an unwanted stretch at the groin tissue. You can easily find manuals with specific instructions for penis massage with the purpose of making the penis larger and more effective. Based on personal reports, one must do these exercises consistently at least 20 minutes each day for several months to get visible enlargement results.
A too narrow foreskin can be treated by sidewise stretching at the foreskin tip some minutes daily during a period. One must use a certain force, but not so great that it injures the foreskin. The method works best when the foreskin tip is elastic and soft without indurations or scar tissue. The foreskin stretch can be a very effectively treatment of narrow foreskin, especially in younger boys and men.
A method to expand the penis in length and girth is the use of a penis pump up to half an hour each day in a period. This device is a vacuum pump connected to a cylinder that one places over the penis and with the opening of the cylinder tight against the groin. One makes a partial vacuum in the cylinder which will make the penis expand so that it is stretched to all sides. These devices are also used to gradually correct problems with penile shape such as twisting and curvatures. There is a danger for tissue injury and bleeding inside the penis if one uses a too high vacuum or uses the pump too long.
Use of penis pumps during 6 months to enlarge the penis in men with a penile length less than 10 CM has been investigated by one scientific study, which concluded that the method was not effective (by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizadeh). In spite of this 30% of the men in the study was satisfied with the results.The use of penis pumps to correct anatomical misconfiguration caused by Peyronie's disease was also investigated in a scientific study, which concluded that the method was effective for this purpose (by the Department of Urology at St Peter's Hospital). This study could also report a lengthening of the penis, even that this was not the objective of the treatment.
Another enhancement option that uses the stretching principle is the application of a so-called Penis Traction device. These are small and light mechanical devices to be mounted on the male organ and worn some hours each day in a period until the man gets satisfied with the result. The device grips under the penile head and it is also based on the groin around the penile root. The device exerts a gentle traction along the penile shaft with a spring mechanism. These devices are constructed so that they can be bent down or up and shielded under the clothes. By this method one can also straighten a penis that is twisted or bent, for example due to Peyronie's disease.
The forces used by this method is better controlled than by the use of weights or pumps, so there is little risk of damage caused by restricted blood circulation when used as recommended, and there is no danger of an unwanted stretching in the groin tissue.
By penis enhancement surgery, the ligament holding the penile base fixed to the groin area is cut, so that a part of the penis usually hidden under the scrotum gets free. This way the visible penis gets longer, but no penile tissue is actually added or expanded. One often also fills crushed fat tissue under the penile skin, which makes the penis thicker. After the surgery the penis appears to be moved to a place further down and it will get less stable. The fat stuffing can get irregular and it will reduce sensibility by shielding out mechanical stimulation.
For some men the problem with their penile size is actually a problem with inefficient erections so that the penis does not get well enough filled. In that case drugs to make the penis fill itself more completely during erections may help for the problem.
When the erections get effective, the penis can get considerably longer and thicker in the erect state than before.
For that purpose one can find pills, transdermal patches and ointments based on herbal ingredients to stimulate erections, or one can try pharmacological products to normalize the erectile potency.There was for some time a belief that penis pills also could get the penile tissue grow larger. Most, if not all, manufacturers have ceased to claim this as an effect.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find products to stilulate sexual drive and pleasure, to make big and hard erections, to ehance penile size and to solve problems width the genital organs and sexual functions, please go here:
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By Knut Holt
Peyronie's disease consists of hard, fibrous tissue, called plaques, developing within the penile shaft. The plaques are hard, thickened and stiff areas, actually a kind of internal scarring. In this fibroid tissue also calcium compounds can accumulate, making the plaques even harder.
The Peyronie's disease is also called cavernositis, and also sometimes plastic induration. There is probably a chronic inflammation process that leads to this scarring.
The thickened area has less blood flow than normal penile tissue, and do not fill with blood and swell as the normal spongy areas in the inside of the penis. Therefore the penis swells more at the opposite side, and gets a curvature towards the side containing the plaques when erected.
If the plaques are found at several places, more complex deformations will develop. The abnormal bending, twisting or swelling within the penis, often also lead to painful erections.
Any man from the age of 18 and upwards can develop Peyronie's disease. The average age of men suffering from Peyronie`s disease is 50.
The three main characteristics of cavernositis are:
- One or more small hard lumps underneath the skin, or a continuous hard, stiff and thickened area.
- Abnormal bent or crooked penis when erect. All penises have some curvature, but by this disease, the penile bend increases, and one may get a very curved penis. The penis may be bent as a banana or in an angular fashion. The penile bending is most often up, but may be down, to the left side, to right or sloping.
-The bending is usually to the same side as that of the hard thickened area when the penis is erected.
-The hard areas in the erected penis may look like bumps, making the penis irregular.
- Sometimes the penis bends greatly enough to make sexual intercourse difficult, or impossible.
- Pain during erections caused by the pressure from the hard areas in the penis, or from the stretched skin at the opposite side of the penis.
- One may not notice the bend immediately, as it tends to develop over one to three months and later than the hardness and stiffness of the indurations.
- The plastic induration may progress and cause impotence. Sometimes the Peyroni's disease will clear up by itself, but this may take several years.
The exact cause of the induration is unknown. It's not a sign of an underlying serious condition, and it is not a sexually transmitted infection. It is possible that the disease can begin with an inflammation in the penile tissue. An inflammation may be caused by an allergic or auto-immune reaction. Although the Peyronie's disease is not an infection, an initial infection can damage the penile tissue and cause an inflammation that develops into Peyronie's disease. Men having the inflammatory condition called Systemic Lupus Erytematosus more often get Peyronie's disease.
Vitamin E deficiency seems to be a contributing factor in causing the disease. Diabetes may cause damage of blood vessels, and if this damage occurs in the erectile bodies of the penis, Peyronie's disease can develop. Peyronie's disease is sometimes a side effect of the drug Inderal (propanolol) used against high blood pressure.
Sometimes a physical injury to the penis that causes internal bleeding, or a series of such injuries, is the initial cause. A habit of violent sexual activity may cause such injuries. It is thought that some men may have a genetic disposition to the condition.
Plastic induration of the penis is not a cancer, and cannot cause cancer, however a lump or deformation in your genitals that develops, must be examined.
Not all men with Payronie's disease require treatment. The disease sometimes go away by itself. If the condition is pronounced, it is also difficult to find a remedy that can cure every sign of the disease, but several methods can take away most penis changes associated with Peyronie's. Here is a survey of treatment methods used today.
Tamoxifen - In its early stages of the disease a medication called Tamoxifen has been shown to prevent the formation of the fibrous plaque by Peyronie's disease. This drug is also used in the treatment of breast cancer, but the two conditions are not related.
Vitamin E and B - Vitamin E and B is sometimes effective in easing the pain and as a treatment for the penile deformity by Peyronie's disease.
Verapamil - Verapamil, often used in the treatment of high blood pressure, has been shown to decrease the size of the plaque and decrease the pain when injected directly into the plaque, and thus also improve the penis shape distortion by peyronie's disease.
Shock wave therapy - Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, or ESWT, a new treatment, is being used in some hospitals for the Peyronie's disease. Although the initial results of this new approach to treat Peyronie's disease have been promising, the long-term outcome is still undetermined.
Surgery - This is sometimes considered if Payroni's disease has lasted for a year or more and it hasn't progressed or regressed for at least three months. By the Nesbitt procedure one removes tissue opposite to the curve to straighten the penis. Another procedure involves putting a graft or part of a vein within the fibrous plaque to lengthen this area. In certain cases of Pyrenees disease, surgical insertion of a penile prosthesis (implant) is recommended.
Radiation therapy - This treatment modality has been tried, but the results are unpredictable and sometimes the opposite of the intended one.
Peyronie's Disease and Abnormally Bent Penis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
Traction devices - On the market, you can buy mechanical devices to use on the penis some time daily that gently pull upon the penile tissue to straighten out the penis, and thus mending the penis from the curvature caused by Peyronie's disease.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please visit this web-sites for natural help against common diseases, for example: Genital problems, Peyronie's, over-weight, acne, eczema, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, hemorrhoids, joint pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, circulatory problems, digestive ailments, allergies, menstrual problems, respiratory diseases and more:
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