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Date Posted: 04:52:14 04/14/02 Sun
Author: Reece
Subject: She smiles, "That's exactly why he's trippin. he hates that i'v actually found a good guy, for once." she smiles slightly..
In reply to: Lang 's message, ">" It's a laugh for you but not for others. " The female shrugs keeping her eyes on the stromy Brent^ "What is his problem anyways? He is acting as if you having a Boyfriend is bad. " She shakes her head trying to forget her own horrible brother. Slightly understanding what Reece was going through. A protective brother." on 04:29:24 04/14/02 Sun

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  • > The female laughs. " Well i bet he is Jealous that he doesn't have someone as good as you. " She grins and cast her gaze over to Reece. " I think I could help you with your little problem. It would be easy to get him away from you. All he needs is a good girlfriend and he will be fine. And maybe he will stop following you." She watchs Reece quietly. Then glances over Brent. Sizing him up having the perfect match for him.^ (NT) -- Lang, 04:57:25 04/14/02 Sun
  • She raises a brow, "Just outta curiosity, who would this chick be?" she asks, without realising it, her arms tightened around the little girl... (NT) -- Reece, 05:01:01 04/14/02 Sun
  • ..The little girl squirms.. OWWW! She says struggling agians the hard grip of Reece..Loosen up just a Bit! (NT) -- Little Girl, 05:06:29 04/14/02 Sun
  • >She watchs Reece go tense. " Why? It could be anyone you like. I mean i wouldn't choose anyone that was a Whore that would try and sudece him or anything. I mean i could go out with him or you can choose yourself." Looking slightly worried now because or Reece and how she was also alittle protective of Brent.^ (NT) -- Lang, 05:08:24 04/14/02 Sun

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