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Date Posted: 14:15:49 04/14/05 Thu
Author: Stefanie~Belen
Subject: Hello to my Secret Sis Mykaylah Larry!!!!

Hi Mykaylah!!

How are you? I hope you are doing wonderfully!! Just wanted to say hi and check in with you!! How has school been? I am sure you are a busy girl like me!! Anything new going on in your life? I think about you all the time and all my classmates know who you are!! I took your thank you card with your picture in it to show everyone! You are so pretty and I am sooo happy you are my secret pal!!! Let me know if you would like a photo of me and I will send it to you! Tell your mommy hello for me!! Keep in touch and I hope to hear from you soon!

Hugs and Kisses,

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[> H*E*L*L*O........Stefanie! I am so glad to hear from you. I had an audition for a book company last week and yesterday I went to a casting call for an insurance company so I got to miss school. We are celebrating "FIESTA" this week and my mom help me make a cheerleading Float out of a shoebox and I can't wait to show my classmates. I am finally taking cheerleading classes at a gym and it is so fun. I pulled my bottom teeth out and the Tooth Fairy left my $5.00 and I bought a tea set so we can have a tea party. I would love a picture of you to show my friends because they think you are my imaginary friend, but you are real. I love you very much and please give your mom a big hug for me. -- Love You Much, Mykaylah, 16:18:53 04/16/05 Sat [1]

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