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Date Posted: 22:23:42 05/21/05 Sat
Author: WE LOVE YOU!
Subject: YOU GO GIRL

* * * YOU GO GIRL * * *


Thank U Ms. Beverly for having such an AWESOME pageant. I am honored to be a Dazzling Beauty! Thank U Ms. Nikki and Ms. Alisha for being such great coaches. Ms. Nicki... U are sooo sweet, sooo patient and sooo encouraging! I can't believe that I won after only one lesson! Thank U Teresea Yee for my FABULOUS hair and makeup! My mommy couldn't stop looking at me! Thank U Ms. Allana for loaning me your swimwear, I can't believe it fit! Thanks for showing me how to do pretty feet, and to pop that toe up for swimwear even though U didn't want to! I watch my video tape of you everyday! Oh, and as soon as I learn my casualwear routine, U can have yours back!!! Tee he he! Mommy, thank's for making my "That's so Mykaylah" casualwear! It turned out too cute because it was made with love! Last but not least... Ms. Kim, thank U for EVERYTHING that you have done for me. You and Allana invited me into your home, picked out my casualwear, my casual hair, told my mommy to take me to this pageant because I'm so pretty, gave me the "Pretty Girl" talk and then dropped EVERYTHING at 2 am to curl my beauty hair and drove all night to bring it to me! Mommy put all of her faith in U, and U SURE came through! How do U function with NO sleep for 36hrs? AMAZING!!! Mr.Gary, when Ms. Kim called at 8 am and said she was in the lobby, Mommy was STUNNED! U really do GO boy!! U helped make my first national pageant experience the BEST!!! Congratulations to all of those that competed this weekend. We are all winners everytime we go on stage! See U all at the next one, until then keep Totally Nocking em' Out!

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[> WTG Mykaylah we are so proud of you. You looked beautiful as always. Cant wait to meet you and your mom hopefully this summer. -- Caitleigh Mann and Mom, 21:40:26 05/22/05 Sun [1]

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[> MyKaylah mom and i went to Galveston today and we went shopping got you a bunch of stuff mom said after recital we will put it in the mail. Hope you haveing a wonderful summer. My mom got me a banner made on the Texas board. have a great summer. -- Karen and Caitleigh Mann, 22:10:50 06/01/05 Wed [1]

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