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Date Posted: 12:25:44 06/22/05 Wed
Author: RED
Subject: Royal Essence Southern Nationals

~~Bring it on!~

Our National Royalty
Invites you to....
It’s time to BRING IT ON…

September 2-4, 2005
Crowne Plaza (Stemmons) Dallas, TX
214-630-8500 Ask for Royal Essence Rate $69
(Block expires August 12th)

Awarding: 35 Overall Titles including 1 Grand Talent Supreme and 1 Baby Grand Talent Supreme
All Cash Awarded on Stage!
It’s time to BRING IT ON…

Yes we are bringing our own judges in...

Awarding: 2 Ultimate Grand Supremes $2,0000 Bond
4 Grand Supremes.$1,000 Bond
1 Overall Talent Supreme $1,000 Bond
1 Baby Grand Talent (0-3) $1000 Bond Cash awarded according to Entrants
1 Ultimate Glamour $800 Bond
2 Overall Model Supreme $600.00 Bond
2 Novice Supreme $600 Bond - Cash increased according to Entrants
2 Swimwear Model Supreme $600 Bond Cash increased according to entrants
2 Photogenic Supreme $ - $500 Bond Cash increased according to entrants
One Overall Grand Supreme King “$500. Bond- 6 or more contestants
2 Overall Glamour Supremes $400 Bond - Cash increased according to entrants
12 Queen Titles + 3 Princess per age division (anyone not in the top 4 will be Jr. Princes in court)
3 Cover Winners
Mother/ Daughter - Mother / Son or Father Daughter âand Father/Son Title (2 in pageant)
Queens Special – Register by July 1st and receive your mandatory registration free and pick your place in lineup. (Cannot be combined with an other offer)
Call 310-408-2434 for an application or Email us!

VENDORS: Please email
Here to be added to the list
Lisa LaBlanc
QUEENTAN BY KRISTI and SUNKISSTANNING angela1917@sbcglobal.net

Dallas, TX - Crowne Plaza

Click banner to visit website.

September 2-4, 2005
Awards: We will be awarding 35 different titles totaling over 30,000 in gifts, cash and savings bonds!
CASH equivalent will be awarded for Savings Bonds
1 Ultimate Grand Supreme ($2,000.00 Savings Bond)
1 Ultimate Beauty Supreme $2,000.00 Savings Bond)
0 - 4 Grand Supreme Winner ($1,000.00 Savings Bond with 10 or more contestants entered or amount will be lessen)
5 - 9 Grand Supreme Winner ($1,000.00 Savings Bond)
10 -19 Up Grand Supreme Winner ($1000.00 Savings Bond)
20 + Up Grand Supreme Winner ($1,000.00 Savings Bond with 10 or more contestants entered or amount will be lessen)
One Ultimate Glamour Supreme Winner ($800.00 Savings Bond - Additional Add on)
One Overall Talent winner ($1000.00 Savings Bond with 20 contestants entered in talent)
One Overall Baby Talent Supreme (0-3 yrs only) $Cash Awarded according to Entrants
2 Overall Model Supreme Winner ($600.00 Savings Bond) (0-4, 5-9, 10 & up)
2 Novice Supreme $Cash Awarded according to Entrants (0-5 & 6 & up)
2 Swimwear Model Supreme $Cash Awarded according to entrants (0-5, & 6 & up)
2 Photogenic Supreme $Cash Awarded according to entrants (0-5, & 6 & up)
One Overall Grand Supreme King - ($600. Savings Bond- 6 or more contestants)
2 Overall Glamour Supremes (0 - 7), (8 & up)
12 Queen Titles + 3 Princess per age division (anyone not in the top 4 will be Jr. Princes in court)
3 Cover Winners
Mother/ Daughter - Mother / Son or Father Daughter - Father/Son Title (2 in pageant)

(Please Note: We must have at least 50 + contestants in order to award full amount, if not amount may be lesser)
Queens Special - Register by July 1st and receive your registration package free and pick your place in lineup. (Cannot be combined with an other offer)
CONTACT US: 310-408-2434 or email: royalessencedirector@yahoo.com or visit us at www.missroyalessence.com

Vendors: If you wish to be added to our vendor list, please email us asap.

Lisa LaBlanc - lu-lu2@cox.net
Vendors (Clothing, etc.)

~Bring it ON!~

Our National Royalty Invites you to......
It’s time to BRING IT ON
Awarding over $20,000 in Cash and gifts on stage!

Santa Ana, California
November 4-6, 2005
Double Tree Hotel, Santa Ana, California
(714) 825-3333 Ask for Royal Essence Rate $89
(Block expires August 12th)

Awarding: 35 Overall Titles including 1 Grand Talent Supreme and 1 Baby Grand Talent Supreme
All Cash Awarded on Stage!
It’s time to BRING IT ON

Awarding: 2 Ultimate Grand Supremes $2,0000 Bond
4 Grand Supremes.$1,000 Bond
1 Overall Talent Supreme $1,000 Bond
1 Baby Grand Talent (0-3) $1000 Bond Cash awarded according to Entrants
1 Ultimate Glamour $800 Bond
2 Overall Model Supreme $600.00 Bond
2 Novice Supreme $600 Bond - Cash increased according to Entrants
2 Swimwear Model Supreme $600 Bond Cash increased according to entrants
2 Photogenic Supreme $ - $500 Bond Cash increased according to entrants
One Overall Grand Supreme King “$500. Bond- 6 or more contestants
2 Overall Glamour Supremes $400 Bond - Cash increased according to entrants
12 Queen Titles + 3 Princess per age division (anyone not in the top 4 will be Jr. Princes in court)
3 Cover Winners
Mother/ Daughter - Mother / Son or Father Daughter – Father/Son Title (2 in pageant)
Queens Special Register by August 1st and receive your mandatory registration free and pick your place in lineup. (Cannot be combined with an other offer)

Call 310-408-2434 for an application or Email us!
VENDORS: Please email
Here to be added to the list
Vendors Attending:
Marcy Stoehr for hair/makeup/tanning/nails
818-345-9841 or

Kimberley/Christina Hulsey for hair/makeup
Sandy & Delaney Hair/makeup
Or Call 931-528-1813

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