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Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 10:23:34 06/22/18 Fri

Useful words translated between Spanish and English and Scandinavian (Norwegian version)
Palabras útiles transladas entre epsañol y inglés y escandinavo (Versión noruego)

By Knut Holt
Interesting information and products within natural medicine, erotic pleasure and potency and hobby


Información sobre sexualidad y salud , y productos para placer sexual y potencia:


These spanish and English words are often found in advanced litterature and they are useful to know.

Esas palabras expañoles y ingleses se encuentran de menudo en litteretura avansada y es útil saberlas.

acumoquer - accumulate - ihopsamle
aislar - insulate - isolere
anaranjado - orange - oransj
apoyar - suppirt - støtte
arremeter - lash out, cry out - utslenge, utskrike
azuntar - strike - ramme, slå
bahía - bay - bukt, bås
cimentero - sement - sement
cimiento - foundation - fundament

clavarse - get stuck - bli fastsittende
crujar - crunch - knekke
cuesta - cost, slope, hill - helning, kleiv, li, bakke, ås
cuero - lether -lær
conmocionar - shake up - oppskake
de bruces - straight against the face - rett mot ansiktet
delamtero - in front - foran
desprender - detatch - løsne
despejado - clear - clar
desván - loft - loft

doquier - everywhere - overalt
echar - throw - kaste
empotrado - built-in - innebygd
entumecer - make numb - gjøre nummen
escalón - step - trinn, trappetrinn
espantoso - frightning - skremmende
estrellar - crash - kræsje
estremecer - shake - skake
estruendo - noise- larm
frente - front - forside

garra - klo
ladrillo - brick - murstein
lodo - mud - gjørme
amarco - framework - rameverk
mazo - mallet - klubbe
moretón - bruise - skrubbsår, skramme
muñeca - doll - dukke
nube - cloud - sky
pesado - heavy - tung
rociar - spray - sprute

pedazo - brikke - plate, piece
pradera - medow - eng
renuente - reluctant - nølende
renuir - resign - gi opp, resignere
repeler - repeler - frastøte
recorrer - go through, travel - passere, gå gjennom
rogir - roar - brøle
sacudir - shake - riste
sendero - track - sti
sintonizar - tune in - innstille

topar - to bump - stange, støte på
toparse - to bump oneself, suddenly encounter, to bump into - stange seg mot
tramo - section - seksjon, avsnitttrampilla - trapdoor - lem
stange hverandre
trotar - trave - trot
vistazo - glance - blikk

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