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Subject: Re: Your VIEWS on the BB.COM Mods, *You are free to finally voice your opinions*

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Date Posted: 15:41:59 08/24/03 Sun
In reply to: MINX 's message, "Your VIEWS on the BB.COM Mods, *You are free to finally voice your opinions*" on 13:45:27 08/24/03 Sun

I think they do a great job. Ryan owns the boards and has a vision of what they should be. The mods carry out that vision the best they can. A lot of BS goes on over there, and the mods are the ones stuck cleaning it up. Does it make everyone happy? No. Do they make a lot of e-enemies? Sure. But people have to realize it's only the internet, and bb.com isn't he only board out there. Anyone who doesn't fit with the vision over there, should find a board where they do fit, or in your case create their own. They have lost a number of great members over there, but they've also done a great job cleaning up the shit. In battle, there is always going to be casualties. Take a moment to reflect, then move on with life.

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[> Subject: Re: Your VIEWS on the BB.COM Mods, *You are free to finally voice your opinions*

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Date Posted: 15:45:41 08/24/03 Sun

Funny you should talk about Ryan, I trongly disagree about the mods just carrying out his wishes. Of course they do an an extent, but after 97LT1 banned me for the fake pics I was IP banned. I was e-mailing ryan and he forgave me and un-ip banned me!! He said I could return to the site so long as I didn't do it again.. He said he would sort it with 97, but obviously 97 takes no notice and just bans me to vent his own petty spiteful vengeance. What has he got to be so uptight about?? I'm only me!

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