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Subject: How to get Boulder Shoulders Like Me

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Date Posted: 17:28:39 08/24/03 Sun

Shoulders are THE most important muscle in terms of first impressions. Say what
you will about "big guns" or having a big chest, calves, forearms, back, or any other
muscles. When it comes to initially sizing up a person's power, shoulders are the
most important of all. They are what give you width. Your back will never extend
beyond your shoulders, and hence won't make as much of an impression.

At the same time, the shoulders are the true litmus paper of whether or not a
bodybuilder knows what he's doing. An analysis of the average back double biceps
pose will show that the vast majority of bodybuilders have far overpowering front
deltoids, and size just tapers off from there, ending with small shadows of rear delts
that barely look like actual muscles at all. Evenly developed shoulders separate the
educated bodybuilder from the haphazard newbie.

Unfortunately, as of my writing of this article I have yet to see any shoulder article in
a magazine, on a website, or in a book, that truly dissects shoulder training as
thoroughly as it should be. In fact the vast majority all say the same thing: Some
sort of press, followed up with various raises and possibly some upright rows. Here
I'll be exposing possibly the BIGGEST mistake every trainer makes when doing
shoulders, including those who have been lifting for 15 years, and many IFBB pros.

Mistakes Everyone Makes When Training Shoulders

Okay, first the big statement in this article, and I want you to
listen to this part very carefully: You have been doing your front
and rear raises all wrong. There. I want you to read that over a
few times and let it sink in. There's nothing to be ashamed of,
it's true for most. Very few trainers do their front raises right,
and to this day I have yet to see anyone doing rear raises
correctly. But why? The reason is: Nearly all trainers do all
types of raises with their side delts. Think about it. When doing
front raises, how do you hold the dumbbell? Palm down most

And during your bent over raises? Palms down again. Now hold your arm out with
your palm down. Which delt head is facing up? It's not your front. The front will be
contracted, yes, but the side delt will be taking the brunt of the force.

So why is THAT? It's all because of the position of the shoulder. Why do military
presses work the front delt? Because the front head is the one directly along the line
of stress. Okay, that was a complex sentence. Let's simplify things: in any dumbbell
movement, the direction of the stress is down towards the floor. Naturally, we want
the muscle facing the ceiling, then. So, logically, for front raises we want the front
delt facing up, for side raises the side, and for rear raises the rear.

Back to arm position now, in military presses the front delt head is facing up. Now
extend your arms outward and make sure the front delt is still facing up. What
direction is your hand in? Hammer grip. Now do the motion of a front raise with a
hammer grip. Which head is facing up? That's right, the front.

So now we have a way to think of things. If you haven't been paying attention up to
now, that's okay. Here's the take-home part: Think of your hand like your shoulder.
Make a fist. This is now your shoulder, for all intents and purposes. The thumb side
is your front delt, the back of your hand is the side, the pinky side is your rear delt.
Whichever side is facing the ceiling is the one that's getting used.

So for bent-over raises, you'd want to hold the dumbbells so your palms are facing
the wall behind you, not facing each other. For front raises, a hammer grip, and for
side raises, the conventional palms-facing the floor. Without using this targeted
approach to delt training, it's nearly impossible to get evenly developed shoulders.

Before we get into a routine, I'd also like to outline the two best shoulder exercises
that no one does.

High Pulley Laterals - View Pic (One Arm Version)
A beautiful rear delt move. Use the high pulleys in a crossover machine, with no
handle attachments. Take the ball on the right pulley with your left hand, the ball on
your left with your right. Now stand slightly back and lean back a little, so the cross
of the two cables is above your nose. Now, simply, pull as far out as you can go,
keeping a soft and constant bend in the elbows. Keep your elbows facing the floor
and think of pulling in a downward arc.

Cuban Presses - View Pic
Think of it like an upright row plus military
press. Holding a bar slightly outside
shoulder width and smoothly pull the bar
up to your neck, rotate your shoulders and
then perform a military press, stopping
just before lockout, and carefully let it go
back down. To your waist. This move hits
everything. Front/side/rear delt heads, and
works the rotator cuffs well.

The Routine

Bent over raises: 3x12
High pulley laterals: 3x12
Cuban presses: 3x9
Side raises: 4x12
Front raises (simultaneous): 3x12

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[> Subject: Re: How to get Boulder Shoulders Like Me

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Date Posted: 17:30:53 08/24/03 Sun

Good god that was you posting in the guestbook when you're done working your shoulders work on your ego!

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[> Subject: Re: How to get Boulder Shoulders Like Me

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Date Posted: 17:33:44 08/24/03 Sun

Yeah it was big deal, everyone at bb.com is a skinny little twig if they started listening to me they might get somewhere, you people are so stubborn you don't even realize how small you are!

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[> Subject: Re: How to get Boulder Shoulders Like Me

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Date Posted: 01:22:57 08/25/03 Mon

Thanks for the article zach!

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[> Subject: Re: How to get Boulder Shoulders Like Me

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Date Posted: 07:06:17 08/25/03 Mon

How to get boulder shoulders LMFAO!

Look at the size of Zachy LOL



Layne the fag said Zach was a genetic freak LOL well Layne also thinks Fletch has a wide back LOL!

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[> Subject: Re: How to get Boulder Shoulders Like Me

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Date Posted: 08:36:53 08/25/03 Mon

well I think you look cool zach! is that article an exclusive to my site??? I can't see it on bb.com...

Maybe I need more exclusives, hmmmmmmm

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[> Subject: AJ

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Date Posted: 10:37:24 08/25/03 Mon

I don't think thats Aj, Someone is using his name. AJ isn't that crude.

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[> Subject: AJ

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Date Posted: 10:49:16 08/25/03 Mon

By the way this guy that is saying stuff about zach, i bet he doesn't look half as good as zach. Zach has a solid base and im sure by now since those are older pictures he looks ideal.

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