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Date Posted: 08:53:28 04/17/04 Sat
Author: Save_Whose_Line
Subject: Status of WLiiA Update!

Drew Carey and numerous other cast members from WLiiA have just filmed a pilot for a new TV series on The WB, tentatively titled "The Green Screen." Although this show will feature the same people and some of the same games from WLiiA, it will be totally different. In addition to that, we still don't know if this show will ever make it to air. Drew is hoping this show will make The WB's fall lineup, but it is only a pilot at this point. For more information, read this news article: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/variety/20040411/va_tv_ne/carey_1

Even though this show is in development & may possibly become a series, the campaigns to save "Whose Line is it Anyway?" will continue. There are still 22 unaired episodes that could contain some of the show's funniest moments and ABC still hasn't ruled out returning the series to its schedule. According to one fan who talked to ABC, they are still undecided about the show's future. However, they said that if they do bring it back, they would look at the unaired episodes and could possibly start taping again. Also, another fan reported at the SWL forum that they got an email back from ABC saying that our campaigns are pushing us in the right direction. We are making progress and if more fans join in to participate, we will succeed!

Save "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" - http://www.geocities.com/save_whose_line

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