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Date Posted: 16:41:02 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Lisa
Subject: Re: Colin, Brad and Greg at Caesar's Palace in Atlantic City
In reply to: Julia 's message, "Colin, Brad and Greg at Caesar's Palace in Atlantic City" on 12:44:51 05/13/03 Tue

Hi. Just so y'all know, the show dates have been changed to Saturday July 12 at 9pm, and Sunday July 13 at 8pm. Up-to-date info can be found here:


Now, the original reason I came here to post; I noticed on the website that Chip is also scheduled to be appearing at Caesar's Atlantic City some time in July and I was wondering if it was possible he'd be a part of this show with Colin, Greg, and Brad. I can't find any info about him at Caesar's website at all.

I live nearby in Philly, and I am very very impatiently waiting for tickets to go on sale. I'm there gambling almost every weekend anyway, so I've been checking in at the source. The girls at the ticket counter must be getting sick to death of me.


>Anyone on the Eastcoast (or anywhere for that matter)
>Colin, Brad and Greg will be doing a show at Caesar's
>Palace in Atlantic City, NJ on July 11 & 12. Tickets
>are $30 and the times are: 10:00 on July 11 (Friday)
>and 9:00 on July 12 (Saturday). I believe the box
>office at Caesar's opens tomorrow but you can also
>purchase them today through the Telemarketing Office.
>The phone number for Caesar's is 800-443-0104 and
>their website is:
>The tickets should also be available through
>Ticketmaster (as they sell tickest for all Caesar's
>Palace shows, however, they haven't been listed yet.
>For anyone going - I suggest making hotel reservations
>ASAP. We tried to make them at Caesar's, Bally's and
>a couple of other hotels and there were no vacancies
>(apparently they are expecting a possible convention
>in town that week) so any of the hotels owned by the
>Park Place Entertainment group have no vacancies at
>that time. We finally made reservations at the Sands
>(which was much cheaper than Caesar's would have been)
>so I suggest if you're planning on going you should
>make the reservations fast.

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