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Date Posted: 08:26:00 06/06/03 Fri
Author: Jessie
Subject: *L* wouldn't say I was scary really ...
In reply to: SEB 's message, "Re: so that's the trick ..." on 13:13:40 06/05/03 Thu

I tended to think getting in their faces too much was bad. To the point that the first time they had to force me to hug colin (hugging = personal space to me I'm afraid. not a very huggy person *L*). But at a time we were seeing him about every couple weekends, sometimes in as varied places as Toronto & LA within the space of a week, so it made a good joke :)

Scariness of Colin's memory though? Hmm, there are many examples I could probably think of ... I'll pick one that comes to mind.

Well, when we canadians were getting Supertown Challenge (and we're all here to play ...) and the americans weren't, this canadian would go with many others to the tapings of the show (usually involving a whole bunch of outings & partying over the course of a weekend, or at least some partying before the show *L*) ... & then I was bribed to transcribe the episodes when they aired on tv for americans (not the actual tapings ... trust me, the parties we tended to have around those would make it hard *L*)

So I transcribed each episode as it aired, for awhile, on the whoser board. Didn't make a mention of that transcribing thing outside of it, never at the tapings cause I thought it was slightly silly (but bribery & begging works wonders & I am a fast typist so not too much pain involved).

Then someone asked Colin at a taping further on (not one of the people that was with us) when these shows aired, etc. And he said 'I'm not sure, just a second ... Jessie?"

And proceeded to ask me when the show aired, since I transcribed it & therefore would have to know. At the time, I hadn't even thought he'd know my name, nevermind all that *L*

Then a year or so after I had stopped providing this transcription service, he also signed a picture to me with the words 'transcribe this'

And I still believe that the ending voiceover of one of the episodes about how transcriptions of the show was silly (can actually remember the actual words if someone wants - give me a minute or two to crank the brain up) was a pointed comment. Meanies ;)

That's one example of the scary colin memory at least. A sample. There are multiple others - with me, or ones I know from friends *L* though I'd have to again crank the brain up to remember them all.

But still, Quink? If you read this *L* I'll bet you they don't. I'll bet you a drink when we finally meet one of these days. If they do recognize me, I owe you a drink of your choice (alcoholic of course). If they don't recognize me, you owe me a drink of my choice. Up to it? ;)

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