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Date Posted: 14:59:42 07/12/03 Sat
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: More spoilers
In reply to: Peppi 's message, "More spoilers" on 08:27:45 07/12/03 Sat

>Quink, I knew that you guys were at that taping, and I
>tried to look for y'all, but I was too distracted!!
>MAN, great laughs last night! Thank goodness I taped
>as well as watched -- I'll try looking for your
>bobbing head!! LOL!! I did catch a quick glimpse of
>Michelle once, though.

>First eppy -- LMAD -- ever notice that soon you're
>going to need a magnifying glass to read the
>descriptions? Good grief!! They used to be four
>words long!! Still, very funny! Poor Colin! And I
>loved how Greg exploded in laughter when Drew told him
>it was an "anger management thong"!!

I know, I think I liked it better when the descriptions weren't as long. Colin's, Ryan's and Wayne's were really funny. I liked Colin's the best. By the other board it sounded like Greg had more of a reaction to the quirks and I wish that we could have seen it.
>Wayne's song for the body-builder freak -- who heard
>the song! Wayne ripping off his shirt, posing in a
>black undershirt!! ~drool~

Well I missed the song because I was watching Greg, Colin and Ryan's reactions in the back. I think that was the funniest part of these game but did they have more of a discussion after the game then what aired?
>Party Quirk -- I remembered complaints from the eppy
>where Ryan's Rat hogged the camera, as I watched the
>whole "girls' shower" thing. I was looking to see
>what Colin and Wayne were doing while Ryan and Greg
>hogged the spotlight. Anyone else notice them
>"playing cards" while waiting for their turn to get
>back in the limelight? LOL!

No, I didn't notice them playing cards. I was thinking too of the Ryan's rat in another PQ too. Greg's part of PQ was funny. He did a great job playing along with Ryan.
>Instant Replay -- yawn. But I believe this is the
>first time Drew played two games in one show, am I

I thought it was nice to see this game again. Like you said it wasn't the best one but likable. I thought Drew did a favorably reasonable job as the sportscaster.
>Eppy two -- Hollywood Director -- BRILLIANT!! "Stomp"
>was pure genius!!! I love it when the guys get in
>sync like that!

I really enjoyed this one too. It was nice to see Chip involved in a scene for a change and not play the straight guy role. I love Colin as the director. He plays up to the sterotype of character of a director well, don't you think?
>Sound Effects with Sally and um, Cheryl? Her
>daughter? First off, I didn't get the "tweety bird"
>comment by Drew. Was he making fun of Sally's speech
>impediment, or her yellow outfit or something? The
>daughter did say, "hey, that's my mother!" Anyway,
>the scene was great!! They got into the sounds very
>well. I loved how the daughter was prompting her mum
>to make the right sounds!

Yeah they really made the effort to try a make sounds. I can't critize too much because I doubt that I be very good at that.
>Newsflash: Can you say "ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!"
>Disgusting! I don't think any clues were useful, and
>I don't remember a single thing Colin said. I was too
>busy trying not to hurl. Yuck.

I watched both episodes via tape last night and during this game I had thoughts of fast forwarding thru this one. But I didn't. Just a question though, for what reason did that lady sit in the bathtub with those snakes and that guy with those magets? Was this some radio station contest to win money or something? I wouldn't be that crazy.
>Bartender: Another brilliant scene! Especially by
>"Chimp"! LOL! I was thinking, while Wayne was doing
>the "in love with Chip" song, it would've been really
>funny if Chip had grabbed Wayne and planted a big wet
>one on him, to add to the Ryan/Colin store of kisses.
>But his "Chip's Ahoy" was also inspired. Good scene.

Yeah and it seemed like Colin and Ryan's suggestions got switched. I really loved Waynes and Chip's reaction. Don't mean to compare but it was even better than when Brad and Wayne did the same suggestion. The music during Ryan's was funny. Was it more of a country-western type and I wondered how he would have sang along to it. It's too bad that US is so strict on censorship because couldn't you see him do a suggestion that fit in a too-hot for WL theme? That would have been great if he was wearing that blue cowboy shirt in this taping.
>The only thing I remember about the "No Colin"
>Superman Hodown was that Chip was standing in Colin's
>spot, and Colin looked very happy to be sitting this
>one out! Stupid Hodowns. I wish they'd get rid of
>them. They always put them at the end, and I find
>them anti-climactic, sort of bringing the show down at
>the end, instead of ending the episode with something

Well hoedowns haven't really been overdone this past season so I didn't mind seeing it. I figured that Drew gave Ryan the finger after Ryan's. It's funny that he can't take back what he dishes out.
>Aside from that, I absolutely loved both episodes!!

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