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Subject: North Carolina Watermelon Assoc. Convention & Queen Pageant

Crystal Giles
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Date Posted: 17:23:05 01/28/04 Wed

2004 NCWA Convention:

The Convention is scheduled for March 12-13,

2004 at the Hilton Wilmington Riverside, Wilmington,

North Carolina.

If you know a young woman who would be

interested in competing in the 2004 NCWA Queen Pageant,

please have them call Anne Meares at (919) 556-

2958. Following are the guidelines for the Queen Competition:

• You must be between the ages of 18 and 23 as

of April 1, 2004.

• All competition will take place on that Saturday

culminating with the annual awards banquet and

the crowning of the 2004 North Carolina Watermelon


• The contest selection committee will choose

up to ten contestants. Past contests have seen from

seven to ten contestants.

• There is no entry fee. A sponsor will be secured

for you.

• Contestants will be judged in four categories:

Interview, Sportswear, Speech and Evening gown. Contestants

will also need to bring a cocktail dress.

• The title of North Carolina Watermelon Queen

brings with it the opportunity for much travel, numerous

appearances and many promotions for the state association.

The young woman chosen must be free during

the summer months, especially weekends. The title

should be viewed as a part time job.

• The NCWA Queen Pageant is a preliminary to

the National Watermelon Queen Pageant to be held in

Orlando Florida the last week of February 2005. This is

an all expense paid trip for the winner and one other


• The winner is awarded $1,500.00. $500.00 is

given the night of the competition. $500.00 given midyear

and $500.00 before the National Pageant. The

young woman chosen will be paid $50.00 for each workday

while on tour in addition to mileage which will be

paid at thirty two cents a mile for all work related travel.

The N. C. Watermelon Associations pays all expenses

incurred while on tour.

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this should be a great pageant!!! (NT)excited16:10:22 02/24/04 Tue

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