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Date Posted: 17:07:27 07/07/17 Fri
Author: Dr. Frank Rubin
Subject: ANAL MASTURBATION AND SEX - learn how to do it the most wonderful way

To read about good anal sex and masturbation, about an explanation about stories of alien abduction, about an alternative explanation for the lufthansa tragedy, about after-birth abortion, the radical feminazi idea of child murder or self-servant purposes, please scroll down.


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Advice for Good Anal Sex and Masturbation

By Knut Holt

Health, fitness and sex tips:


The area between your buttock cheeks, the immediate surroundings of your anus, the anus itself and your rectum is highly sensual to erotic stimulation. It some way this area is even more sensual than the genitals, because even slight caresses at this area can give strong feelings.

The skin and muscles at both sides of the rectal opening is highly sensitive. The point just in front of the anus gives a strong emotional response when you poke at it. A man will often have a little grove at that point that you can poke into. The anus itself has the most sensitive skin in your whole body, and the sphincter muscle gives a lot of good feeling when stretched out.

Before the front wall some way inside the anus, a man will also have the prostate. The deepest point of the anus is sensitive in a very special way. Stimulation here gives very strong feelings that reach the whole pelvic region coupled with profound mental emotions.

You seldom get any orgasm from this area, even though it does sometimes happens, but you are very likely feel a strong and persistent physical and mental excitement upon proper stimulation, and such stimulation will also intensify a genital orgasm. Here are some general principles you should follow both when you have anal sex with a partner or when you use this area for masturbation:

- You must firstly be in a position where your rectal area is easy to get to. Then you must relax as much as possible. Then open the area even more by pulling the buttock cheeks apart so that you feel a slight stretch. Begin caressing gently the inner sides of the cheeks and gradually caress steadily nearer to the rear opening.

- It is not necessary to enter through the anus to make a lot of pleasure. If you do it, you proceed in a gentle manner through the opening and towards the deep parts of the rectum. For a joyful rectal intrusion, the rectal spinster must relax well. By pressing cautiously with a finger or a rounded object towards the anal orifice, the spinster will usually relax and the object goes easily through.

- You will discover that the rectum has several strongly sensible points along the way to the deepest area. By caressing inside the anus towards the prostate area or the vagina, you will also stimulate feelings in the genital region. While you steadily proceed towards the most intimate and deepest areas, you also move a little in and out, use circulating movements and poke at special sensible points.

- After having teased up your feeling with gentle stimulation and caresses, you can gradually stimulate harder to influence points deeper inside the tissues. You can also tense your muscles in the anal area, first gently and then more intensely. Such an intensified action will typically give you a peak feeling that can resemble an orgasm, but the feeling has another flavor with stronger mental impacts than genital orgasms.

- After such an intensified action you can begin anew with a relaxed and gentle approach. You can do this many times, and each time your feelings will get stronger and spread to wider areas in your body from your rear region.

There are many ways to caress and stimulate your anorectal region. You can caress yourself or your partner with a finger, you can use a dildo or another smooth long object with a rounded tip. And you can have intercourse using the penis between the cheeks of your partner or insert the penis into the anus.

If you use an object inside the rectum, it must not have a shape and size so that it cannot easily get trapped inside and difficult to get out again. Some special anal dildos have barres that hinder a too deep insertion or a long handle that always will be outside.

It is not necessary to use a very thick object in the anus to get strong feelings. This region is so sensible that even a very thin object gives great responses. A thicker objects will however stretch the muscles more and give a deeper stimulation inside the tissues so that you can experience other feelings than when you use a thin object.

The object you use or the rectal opening must be well lubricated, preferably with a water based lubricator. You can also lubricate dildos and the like with natural oily substances that do not irritate, like vazeline.

When you have sex in the anorectal region, you should be clean. If you want to insert something through the rectum, the anus should be empty. It is not strictly necessary to flush the anus with water before you have anal sex, but some people prefer to do so by a enema syringe. You must use a condom if you or your partner use to have sex with more than only one person or you are not sure you can trust your partner one hundred percent.

Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7446143


Abduction by Aliens in UFOs - An Explanation for Many of These Stories

Stories of alien abduction most often originate because authorities subject children and teens to secret medical procedurs and experimentation under anesthesia, and somtimes even abduct kids for this purppse, and it happens in all societies in the world

by Knut Holt


Stories about people being abducted by alien beings in UFOs may originate from surgical procedures or exams under anesthesia where the patient remembers details in spite of their anesthetic state, and especially if details within such procedures are held secret.


Stories about people, and especially children and youth, that are abducted by alien beings in UFOs are common around the world, but especially in the western societies. These stories are so consistent that one is lead to believe that there is something physically real behind the stories, and that many details in them are literally true.

But are the instances behind this activity really alien beings? Probably they are not, and here is an alternative explanation suggested:

The memories of alien abduction are based on memories from secret medical exams, procedures or experiments performed on children and young people under anesthesia.

The instances behind these ordeals can be health authorities, child protective agencies, research institutions or diverse secret services. The ordeals can take place at health centers, at schools, in kindergartens or the locales of child protective agencies.

The anesthesia itself is not necessarily secret, but when the child is under anesthesia the personal perform things in addition to the exam or procedure officially told about. In other cases the anesthesia may be lured into the child so that the whole ordeal is held secret.

Anesthesia never works perfectly, and material from the procedures can easily be laid down in the memory even though the patient is unconscious.

Medical procedures under anesthesia proceed in a way very similar to the alleged happenings during an alien abduction. This material can then later become conscious and appear in a somewhat reshaped fashion as an alien abduction.

Special psychological states, like sleep paralysis during the process of waking up, or sleep walking may trigger the reappearance of these memories and material from these states can blend with the memories to make a complete alien abduction history.

If the medical procedures has been hold secret for the child, the alien abduction intrigue will also serve as a logical explanation for these strange memories that otherwise have no explanation.


The alien abduction stories describe something that is quite similar to common medical assessments or treatments often done on young people under anesthesia. Here are listed some details that can contribute to an alien abduction story:

- Professionals inside surgical units typically behave exactly like those aliens and also clothings, masks and special eyeglasses can make them look alien-like.

- A standard anesthetist behaves exactly like that frequently described hypnotizing alien that passivates and controls the abductee.

- The stories often tell about aliens doing catheterization and endoscopic procedures with flexible instruments like cystoscopies, colonoscopies, nasal endoscopies, and stomach endoscopies, end the description of these alleged alien acts are nearly identical to standard and common procedures.

- Alien abduction stories began multiplying in the period 1985 - 1995 where also endoscopic procedures on young people under anesthesia by means of flexible instruments became common medical practice.

- Some type of medication, like the anesthetic ketamine, can give a person the false feeling of hovering and a surgery lamp over the patient looks exactly like a UFO. These effects together can produce the feeling of being beamed up into an UFO.

- If a teenage girl during such a procedure is found to be pregnant, the embryo may be removed, and that detail can account for stories of aliens implanting embryos and then taking them out again.

- If a child furthermore has undergone neurological or psychological testing under some degree of anesthesia, this can account for the more bizarre features of alien abduction. If the testing imply some sexual stimuli, that can give rise to the sexual content of many alien abduction stories.

- If the secret ordeal is repeated by some regular frequency, the person can get the impression that aliens are constantly surveilling him and that he can be abducted anew at any moment.


Ordeals leading to histories of alien abduction seem to occur in the whole western world, without any specific country being more prominent than any other. Here are listed some situations that can lead to such stories:

- Sometimes children have a genuine need for some intimate exam. In many health institutions such exams are routinely done secretly under anesthesia because the health authorities do not think it is psychologically good for the child itself or the parents to know about the things done.

- There is also documented evidence that children are often examined secretly in an intimate way under anesthesia during child protective cases to look for signs of sexual abuse and maltreatment.

- In some institutions children are tested and interrogated psychologically or neurologically under some degree of anesthesia. Institutions dealing with child protective cases are also here prominent examples.

- There are historical evidence that children have been secretly used as Guinea pigs under anesthesia, even though the frequency is difficult to determine. An typical example here are the ordeals under the umbrella project MCULTRA run by the CIA.

- Some type of authorities may be running a surveillance program on the population and use children secretly as physical and psychological data sources. In some communities child protective agencies seem to run such programs to determine the frequency of sexual abuse or maltreatment of children in a population, or to screen children and families that are suspected to be at risk.

- Children may be used secretly as sources of tissue for research or for medical treatment of other persons, which also may be illegal and surely not accepted by the parents.


Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange phenomena.

Please go to this web-site to read more about several scientific subjects, and to find smart products in the categories RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, health, fitness and jewelry.



The Lufthansa Tragedy on 24 Mars 2015 - an alternative explanation

On 24 March 2015, an Airbus A320-211, belonging to Lufthansa, crashed 100 kilometres (62 mi) north-west of Nice in the French Alps, after constantly descending from normal cruice altitude, just one minute after a routine contact with flight controle, resulting in 144 passengers and six crew members killed.

The official explanation is that the copilot, which had some mental and domestic problems, ditched the plane purposedly after having locked the door to the cabin for the chief pilot that was out for a toilet visit.

But the official explanation may not be true. The only moment in that explanation that seems to be sure is that the pilot was out of the cabin and struggled to get inside again.

Here is a possible alternative explanantion for this terrible tragedy.

The plane collided with some object, possibly a meteorite or even more possibly with a surveillance drone that was out of controle. There are plenty of those secret drones in the sky nowadays, bot of course nobody will admit they are there.

The plane got injured, but it was not clear how bad the damages were in the first place. The captain went out to the passenger cabin to acertain the situation there.

The copilot locked the cabin door as a security routine, something he was obliged to do, and intended to open it again when the captain went back.

In the meantime the air pressure in the pilot cabin fell dramatically due to the injuries the plane had sustained.

The copilot that now had the responsibility for the flight dived the plane in order to get to a lower altitude with higher air pressure.

When the captain tried to open the door to get into the pilot cabin again, it was impossible due to pressure differances between the passenger cabin and pilot cabin, and possibly also due to other damages. It may also be that the copilot already had lost consciousness due to pressure fall in the cabin and was not able to open.

At some point the copilot in either case lost consciousmess and hence controle over the plane, or the plane was not able to controle due to damages.

Then the plane crashed into a mountain.

There were immediat effords going on to put the blame on the tragedy on the copilot with allegations he dived the plane deliberatedly in a combined homicide and suicide action.

The fact that the blame for the tragedy so early was put on the copilot is by itself a sign that there is some secret ingredient involved in the tragedy, most probably some secret aereal vehicle, of which existense one never will admit.

Knut Holt

For smart information about disease cures, fitness boost and sex techiques, please see his website


ABOUT AGENDA 21 - The UN Plan to Establish a State of International Feudalism

by Knut Holt



The agenda 21 is a global plan made by the elite acting through international organs lim United Nations and European Union.

According to this plan there will be established a small international elite. This elite will be given all freedom to live as they want and use all the resources they want for own good. This elite will constitute the persons and families already having an elite position internationally.

The majority of peoples will be assign to a class that are held poor and given only those resources neded to be able to serve the elite. The plan is to confine ordinary people into narrow secluded areas whith very little living space for each indiviual, and whith allowance only to leave that area to go to work and serve the elite.
There will also be established a middle class with the purpose of surveiling and policing ordinary people so that not anybody of them behaves outside their allowanse. This class will be given some of the provilages of the elite class to keep them loyal.

The land areas all over thw World will be divided in 3 zones with fences between them so that nobody without permission can tresspass.

There will be established secluded megacities that will include some amount of nature an park areas. The megacities will contain gigantic dwelling casern with a very narrow dwelling space for everyone living there. The caserns will basically provide dispachment places for all kind of daily goods every person needs, so that no person will find it strictly necessary to leave the dwelling complex for other than go to work.

Then there will be an outer zone with much more nature. In this zone the mansions of the elite and the houses of the controllers will be situated. The elite and the class of controllers will have all the opportunity to use the natural resources in this zone as recreational areas and areas for activities like hunting and fishing.

The outermost zone will be pure and wild nature untouched by humans, except that the elite will have full permission to use this zone for own recreational resources.

The mate they use is of cource the concern for the environment, but their concern is a fake one.

Agenda 21 is the globalist plan to create the prizon planet.

One way of achieving the goal is to destroy the industries of each country so that people have to lump themselves togeather for the cause of powerty.

Be sure that this group is oparating against many national and local industries, not only whaling and is supported by the glibalists nationally and locally in Norway, which are those defining themselves as the elite.

I am from Norway and those living in Norway right now experience themselves gradually turning effectively poor, because the prices are skyrocketing, especially home prices, while the vages do not follow.

All over Norway they also create fences and road barrs so that people are confined to narrow and easily contrillble routes.

Norwegian children and teens are routinously called in to health checks done under anetsthesia. Durig these health checks the kid is inspected through all body openings with endoscopes. During these inspections the kid is tagged with electronic chips that makes it possible to follow the wearabouts of the kid all the time and also monitor what the kid is doing. This chipping is held secret for the common public. These kind of health checks also occur in USA, Canada and many other European countries.

By the way, one of the chief coordinators for the Agenda-21-program was Gro Harlem Brundtland, an elitist politician from Norway, that also was the prime minister of Norway a ling time.

by Knut Holt



After-birth abortion - a fine name for legalixed murder or children

Radical facists have begun advocating legalization of murder of children that the parents or the society does not want to keep, and call it with the fine term "after birth abortion".

This is of cource morally unacceptable by itself, but it also easily opens up to further acceptance of lagalized murder of any individual that does not fit with the standards of some authority responsible for the individual.

This agenda shows how morally corrupt certain radical activists and feminists have become. These radicals are not necessarily the same as socialists. Most of them come from the middle class or well to do families, and are eager to defend the properties and privelages of thir own class. More often they are elitists that want a society ruled by a wealthy and powerful elite and the majory being degraded to cattle usable as slaves and in any other way for this elite.

But they try to make people from other classes that they regard as cattle to support their movement an not a few are lured into their snares.

Be sure this activism is orcastrated and led by some even higher elite organization hiding in the background, and the activists themself probably are not aware that they are used for some shielded purposes by this even higher and more wealthy elite.

The nest logical step would be termination of children decided by the government and of adults not conforming to the standard of society..

One gided purpose of cource is to get organs and tissue for sale and for research. Another purpose is population controle. Still another purpose is to get a totally obedient population by letting only those individuals that look, function and behave in the politically correct manner grow up.

Under such a regime, not only people with an obvious mental or physical handicap, or with a malignant social bahavior will be culled from the population, but also higly intelligent or otherwise gifted children or adults that the elite will tend to regard as potential rivals are in danger.

One must recognize these activists for what they are, namely a self-serving elite, that are lead and themselves manipulated by an ever higher and clandestine self-serving elite with eval intentions.

They must get no support and they must be circumvented at any occation they may cross your road.

By Knut Holt

For interesting information about helth, fitness and sexuality, please see


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