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Date Posted: 19:50:53 02/22/03 Sat
Author: matt granzow
Subject: starting problems 93 katana 600

I just got a 93 katana 600.. its a nice bike, but this starting problem is driving me nuts.

I have new gas, It wont even start on ether as of right now. it will sputter maybe once through the exhaust as i try to start it. I cleaned the carbs (as well as i knew how), and i put new plugs in. Just to be sure i had spark, i pulled each plug one at a time, and grounded it to the engine, and i saw spark on all 4 plugs.

When i got the bike, the CDI box was filled with water, and the tach hasn't worked, the one time we did get it running.

would a replacement cdi box take care of my problems?

sorry, also one more problem.. the clutch is SUPER hard. i've tried to adjust it, and no matter where i put it, i can't push the bike while its in 1st gear with the clutch in, and the handle is always way too firm to actually use. any suggestions there?

thanks for any help.

Matt Granzow

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