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Date Posted: 21:45:27 09/19/03 Fri
Author: Gwenyth
Subject: Bike Photo's

Calling all Sport Bike Riders!

Enlarging Motorcycle Category on website.
If interested in having your photo taken in a professional studio for the web category... contact us.
Must show at scheduled time with clean bike and whatever outfit and helmet for your picture. Full Leathers or best riding gear is encouraged for the quality of the pictures.
It will be on a Saturday or Sunday sometime in the near future, depending on the amount of responses we receive initially.
We will also make it available to get multiple copies of the picture of you and your bike in 8x10 size, with a frame for your office, garage, shop or wherever.
Who doesn't want a bad-ass, professional Picture of his/her motorcyle in full riding gear.
The first Saturday may fill up quickly, so a speedy response quarantees you a spot for the website photography as soon as we schedule.
The photography for the website is free of charge and you can print your picture off of the website. It is low resolution but is still alright. It is nowhere near the quality of the 8x10 we can produce for you.
Having said this, here is the old hook... there must be a fee involved for the 8x10 pictures. Considering the amount of riders we anticipate logging, the cost of quality paper, ink and most importantly the time... we will decide a small fee for prints. There will be a price break for every additional copy you order. Again, this is not a money thing. We want you and your bike for our photo gallery. The offering of the pictures is a gesture that we cannot afford to foot the bill for.
All Sport Bike riders are welcome to come for the bike shoots and there will be a Bar-B-Que Caterer selling cheap eats and drinks all day. Great opportunity to see and be seen.
We will accomodate all Harley and cruiser bikes at a later date but for now it is only open to Sport Bike Riders please.
A biography sheet will required by all entrants in the Contragear Motorcycle Section.
This does not have to include your last name or any personal info. Whatever you feel comfortable with.
The bike stats will be listed with the picture so viewers will know the year, make and model, etc.
If you have a favorite gal and you want her to be in the picture, so be it. We'll even shoot some with her and without her in case you break up! No sense in ruining a perfectly good picture, right?
We will try to schedule Miss Contragear for a portion of the Day for photography with some of the bikes.
Some of our associate sponsors will be providing waxes and cleaning products for that final detailing at the actual shoot.
The shoot is conveniently located near 610 and I-10, Galleria area.
An e-mail address is suggested so that anyone viewing can contact you, wether it be about the bike specifically or a new friend wanting a ride...
Contact us for more info and to reserve your spot for the first session. Scheduling is hectic and not too many opportunities before the holiday's. Holla.

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