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Date Posted: 13:51:32 03/11/03 Tue
Author: jason
Subject: gsxr400r gk76

I have a gsxr400r gk76. I have had my bike about 2 months but it has just started playing up,I was coming home and the bike just seem to die it picked up again then went again, I put it on reserve fuel but it didn't help. It spluttered home and I changed the plugs on advice from a friend, but it made no differance, but when had airbox off and started bike with fuel left in carbs it sounded lovely, so I thought airfilter,I changed the airfilter even though it looked fine, put it all back together and it runs like shit still! high revs it sounds ok but low revs 3-6k it struggles to stay running but past that it starts picking up and at 8-9k it takes off! The airbox is so hard to relocate on back of all carbs at same time,and on running I noticed petrol leeking from 2 of the airtakes on back of carbs,when I took it off petrol was bubbling back out of the air intakes on 2 carbs? is that right? a second time it was only doing it on 1 and now none are at the moment but it still runs like shit!! but I've noticed that it seems to run fine without the tank on?? well thats where I'm at, its dark outside so I'm on the net trying to plan what to do tomorrow to it. Any help pls.

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