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Subject: Crown Jewels Nashville, TN January 27-29, 2012

Cara Ryckman - Director
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Date Posted: 11:34:48 08/10/11 Wed
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What’s Crown Jewels like?

You arrive to an organized registration where you know exactly how much you owe ahead of time.

While you register, your child gets to make arts & crafts and enjoy the balloon twister. There are gifts waiting for your child at registration – and for you, too!

On competition day, you and your child have a quick breakfast, and morning and afternoon snacks and drinks waiting for you – be OUR guest!

Competition runs on time. You know what to expect because we’ve given you the same judging instructions as we’ve given the judges.

The judges are welcoming and friendly to your child and give every child a great onstage experience – no glaring, non smiling judges. When your child gets offstage, we have something waiting for her for a job well done!

Saturday night, the kids have a party with bounce house and dj and Chocolate Indulgence Buffet – and you have massages & mimosas. No worries, the alcohol is in a separate area (on a separate floor, even!) than the kids’ party.

Sunday morning, you & your child get a plated Tennessee breakfast – again, on us. Crowned Couture is putting on a fashion show while you eat.

Crowning is full of excitement and surprises. There are wonderful prizes for the winners – and we draw a few “winners” from everyone attending as well! Every child leaves with a stuffed animal and a bag of gifts. Every child ALSO gets at least one trip into the Toy Kingdom to select their OWN prize.

After crowning, you get your scoresheets and you get to talk to the judges. All of them – photo judges as well.

The first early bird expires September 30th. Get your deposit and registration in today! This is a not to be missed event! Take a look at www.crownjewelspageants.com for more info, or email cara@crownjewelspageants.com for paperwork to be emailed or mailed to you.

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