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Class of 99
Administrator: Colin
Staff:Kevster, Chez.

The board rules:

1)No harrassing/flaming/mocking of other posters of the board. What goes around comes around. Respect and courtesy goes a long way.

2)Please tell us who you are before you use nicknames. It's no fun talking to someone you don't know.

3)Those who use HTML please remember to end your tags, and if you want to advertise your site please ask first.

Welcome to the Class of 99 Messageboard. This Board is intended for anyone who was a Sixth Former in The Holy Trinity School, Crawley, in West Sussex, England, in the final year of 98/99. However, anyone else linked to this year group is also welcome, like teachers, parents, friends, etc. The only other thing that I would ask you to do is tell others from our year about the board. Enjoy!

The time here is Pacific Standard Time, five hours behind GMT, because this is an American host.

Please contact me if you would like to get in touch with anyone from this year, as I hold an up-to-date list of e-mail addresses etc.

Technical: Class of 99 now supports Netscape and IE browsers. If anyone experiances any difficulty viewing this webpage please let me know. Also use of non-standard colours is not recommended. We are working to provide a balance of colours that are attractive and easy to read. If anyone has any further thoughts feel free post them in a non-aggressive manner.

I delete whatever messages I want to, if anyone has a problem with this you are welcome to take it up with me. Now be nice to each other.


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