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Subject Author Date Msgs
.blackandwhiteandredallover.playswithmatches09:39:11 08/10/04 Tue9
greeetings from the mother landchap19:33:27 07/07/05 Thu1
I Won't Take This Shit No MoreCapTit11:30:36 04/28/05 Thu3
quoteskara18:48:21 05/10/05 Tue2
the wheels are turningkeith12:19:05 03/10/05 Thu4
i <3 Wang DressingRenee09:25:47 02/28/05 Mon3
guess whatkeith11:44:37 02/11/05 Fri3
the end is nearthe k.09:32:21 12/08/04 Wed9
poker nightchapman14:29:42 01/30/05 Sun4
DVDS?a fan08:28:08 01/10/05 Mon5
Teaching is FunDecio06:59:19 12/13/04 Mon1
We can't stop here, this is bat country!Thad02:16:32 11/27/04 Sat1
long time viewercousin ben19:10:57 11/08/04 Mon2
altruisticpervert.comachap15:18:23 10/22/04 Fri1
Sweet!Blair McKarnin and Brandee Morris13:28:23 10/16/04 Sat1
celebrity deathsachap16:26:24 10/12/04 Tue2
"Just think of Keith"Jared The Harbinger of Old Quotes White21:44:52 10/04/04 Mon5
Wang Dressing AnonymousDecio11:27:09 10/02/04 Sat3
wait, what?Sarah Turk18:38:42 10/02/04 Sat2
IdeaCapTit23:06:03 09/30/04 Thu4
  • Re: Idea -- Decio, 07:46:03 10/01/04 Fri
    • Re: Idea -- chap, 09:52:56 10/01/04 Fri
      • Re: Idea -- Decio, 13:27:27 10/01/04 Fri
it ruels!Sarah Turk12:30:26 10/01/04 Fri1
new siteachap13:56:04 09/27/04 Mon2
wang dressing light and magickeith11:43:18 09/27/04 Mon2
GO KEITH!Mallory, a friend of Chris Plante's05:55:26 09/27/04 Mon2
That PicDecio11:34:32 09/26/04 Sun2
Maybe one day you all will be famous in Korea!!!Shelby20:38:43 09/22/04 Wed4
achapandy16:21:26 09/17/04 Fri1
you'refags.bitchface22:01:40 09/15/04 Wed3
Message Post Time Limit:achap15:49:32 09/10/04 Fri4
Quid pro quoRuben12:15:10 09/09/04 Thu3
New Film IdeaRuben12:04:42 09/09/04 Thu3
shitty, but true.keith22:45:45 09/03/04 Fri3
Crappy poetryDecio12:28:38 08/27/04 Fri1
ha. fagsachap08:30:44 08/16/04 Mon1
Those Summer NightsCapTit22:03:15 08/13/04 Fri1
RememberDecio03:20:15 08/13/04 Fri1
ill se knittter in FL60inches07:57:11 07/23/04 Fri3
so this one timeSam17:51:50 07/22/04 Thu3
A New ThoughtDecio17:41:06 07/07/04 Wed3
60inchesi mis yoru banter19:30:33 07/01/04 Thu2
tadakara19:16:35 06/23/04 Wed2
  • Re: tada -- keith, 06:35:21 06/27/04 Sun
Who Is 60inchesDecio11:46:12 05/27/04 Thu3
Mis-informationfisherman no likely latex18:01:31 06/05/04 Sat2
HaKeith Loves Chris Plante16:42:53 06/02/04 Wed6
  • Re: Ha -- Decio, 22:36:05 06/02/04 Wed
    • Re: Ha -- keith, 23:22:58 06/02/04 Wed
      • Re: Ha -- Decio, 04:51:57 06/04/04 Fri
  • Re: Ha -- Iceman, 15:27:13 06/04/04 Fri
    • Re: Ha -- keith, 09:24:22 06/05/04 Sat
keith is so hotkeith's lover16:47:27 06/02/04 Wed1
ok i signed...you happy nowPrivate Johnson aka The Gay20:50:23 05/29/04 Sat2
Filming in Springfield MO this summerRuben21:45:21 05/26/04 Wed2
All of you are losersRuben Juan Carlos Micah Alonzo01:29:06 05/06/04 Thu4
To Those Who WatchCapTit10:59:40 05/24/04 Mon6
Whos all out here in kc or raymoreSuperman16:19:49 05/17/04 Mon2
deftrocketkeith09:33:36 05/23/04 Sun1
eat shit and die60inches04:36:01 05/17/04 Mon3
The New StuffDecio00:00:38 05/16/04 Sun2
newskeith10:01:35 05/08/04 Sat1
All of you are losers (NT)Ruben Juan01:26:56 05/06/04 Thu1
YEEHAWCapTit20:01:24 04/22/04 Thu2
watch our movies.keith08:18:19 04/16/04 Fri3
wow...Im not sure I can think of another wordSamish07:41:02 03/18/04 Thu1
DANEJon "I've got a question for Dane" O'Dell21:55:13 02/13/04 Fri4
  • Re: DANE -- keith, 07:41:28 02/14/04 Sat
    • Re: DANE -- Decio, 10:36:37 02/15/04 Sun
      • Re: DANE -- Jon "-OH... okay" O'Dell, 09:13:03 03/15/04 Mon
Sometimes, I Rock...Thad20:20:46 03/01/04 Mon3
wellkeith16:50:43 02/23/04 Mon4
HMMDecio21:07:15 02/15/04 Sun1
friends.keith12:27:16 02/01/04 Sun7
dane loves his own asskeith11:50:50 01/31/04 Sat1
dane loves his own asskeith11:49:06 01/31/04 Sat1
newsitekeith11:43:09 01/31/04 Sat1
I need a tissue or something...Thad18:48:47 01/27/04 Tue3
The MoviesDecio20:23:36 01/16/04 Fri1
BackDecio10:43:49 01/02/04 Fri2
  • Re: Back -- keith, 08:00:15 01/14/04 Wed
i'm backkeith07:57:12 01/14/04 Wed1
So, Uh, HeyDecio08:18:25 01/10/04 Sat1
The ReturnDecio22:13:01 01/03/04 Sat1
Dane's Poetry CornerAllison22:44:50 01/02/04 Fri1
nowkeith09:35:06 12/29/03 Mon1
The loss of a SoulDecio18:47:32 12/14/03 Sun4
so?keith21:23:43 12/18/03 Thu1
CostumesDecio18:25:19 12/08/03 Mon3
Maryville loves Wang DressingH-funk22:03:49 12/10/03 Wed2
ddr2,3, and 4keith10:34:49 11/21/03 Fri2
New Film IdeaDecio23:20:09 12/04/03 Thu2
I'm not crying... my eyes are just bleeding water...Thad14:42:22 12/04/03 Thu1
you know what would really kick ass(call to the public)keith00:03:47 12/01/03 Mon4
THE MATRIXDecio11:26:32 11/06/03 Thu5
ShowingDecio15:13:19 11/25/03 Tue1
Our film-making is best!! w00t.Thad22:58:57 11/21/03 Fri1
movies movies movies and a guy named SeattleBig H funk14:16:31 11/11/03 Tue3
The truthDecio00:43:29 11/04/03 Tue6
(site 3)keith10:55:09 10/31/03 Fri1
THE RETURNDecio20:56:04 10/20/03 Mon1
eh.keith09:29:12 10/17/03 Fri2
  • Re: eh. -- Thad AND Jared, 17:48:25 10/17/03 Fri
what.keith06:13:16 10/10/03 Fri3
Friends, Romans, CountrymenDecio20:50:27 10/03/03 Fri1
Destiny, or something...Thad14:30:23 10/03/03 Fri2
wordkids wordkeith06:52:18 10/02/03 Thu1
belowkeith12:10:07 09/27/03 Sat2
Where have y'all beenDecio20:40:58 09/21/03 Sun7
Archives: 1 ]

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