Republican Bulletin Board of Ireland
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Republican Bulletin Board of Ireland



Posts that insult, lie about, personally attack other posters on this board are not permitted.
Racist or hate posts and posts that would tend to threaten other individuals or groups, be they republicans, loyalists or whoever are not permitted.
Use of another poster's name or nickname is not permitted.

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"Debate" here does not mean personal attacks against other posters on this board.

You can attack or agree with his/her opinion, without attacking, insulting the person posting.

"Free speech" here does not mean calling another poster "stupid" a "whore" "wanker", etc, unless you can provide documented proof that the person tested below 50 in an IQ test; was illigitmate at birth; has been convicted of prostitution: or engages in stated sexual practices, etc. Please provide notorized copies of court convictions, pictures, etc. A committe of nine will consider whether you are entitled to post such accusations. If you couldn't prove it in a courtroom, don't post it here!

This board is not authorized or sanctioned by Sinn Fein, RSF, or any other republican organization. This board is not in any way connected with the Republican Bulletin Board of Republican Distributions.

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