Date Posted:13:27:41 11/24/10 Wed Author:usmgrad Subject: I am looking for information about e-readers,
Mainly advise as to how they handle so I can decide if I want to get one. I read all the time, before I go bed, outside while sitting in the sun, in addition to just plain inside on the sofa. I own books, have given plenty away because there's only so much room to store them. Mostly now it's checking books out from the library. Are e-readers all there are cracked up to be? Or would I be better off sticking with the Library?
Technology at home is minimal, two computers (over 5 years old), a plain, no frills cell phone, no laptop, no Blackberry, however I do have wireless internet.
My daughter (she's 32 and a techno geek) has a Nook and loves it but then she says she doesn't like holding a book and turning the pages. (Go figure but I guess if she's reading I shouldn't complain)
So I guess my question is do you have an e-reader, or know someone that has one and how do you, they like it? Would you recommend one to your friends? And if so what features are worth it and what features aren't.
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There's an APP to take fanfiction and convert for an ereader? That might have been the deciding factor! There really is an APP for everything. Now if can just find my glasses! -- usmgrad, all the info so far has been helpful, 16:38:13 11/24/10 Wed [1]
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Ok so not an app like get on the phone but software you download to your PC that can take a PDF or word document and convert it to the format the Kindle uses. -- Hope, 19:13:31 11/24/10 Wed [1]
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I Googled it after I read your post, found lots of different "conversations" about it. Guess I'll be learning another software app in the future. -- usmgrad, 19:18:48 11/24/10 Wed [1]
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I use Mobipocket Creator. Here is the link to the site Takes some practice to format the documents right so they look good in eReader format. -- Hope, 08:25:32 11/25/10 Thu [1]
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Nook color is the way to go. The childrens books read to you, you can surf the net. its easy to load books from Barnes & Noble. Fridays are you can download a free book. Plus with wifi you can surf the net, listen to internet radio, Love the nook color. -- GS1, 23:54:55 01/15/11 Sat [1]