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] Date Posted:16:58:49 10/12/05 Wed In reply to:
Francis Nash
's message, "House Rule #3 - clarification" on 02:15:00 10/12/05 Wed
When we say invade in House rule 3, we mean sea borne invasions. Thus the Germans can in only invade from the sea with one Division per turn.
On land there are no restrictions except for the minors and the germans in Finland.
Also mind the invasion definition from the briefing: Invasion is defined as entering a hex that before the turn started was enemy controlled.
Also mind that some units may not invade for example Mech, Cav, Arm, Art and HQ units.
This mean that the maximum number of German units that can enter a hex (from the sea side) that was enemy controlled at the start of the turn is 3 inf regs (the HQ from the division may not enter the hex from the sea until next turn where it would no longer be defined as an invasion.)