Søren gaun
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Date Posted: 10:25:10 10/08/07 Mon
Well, i am not sure why you should go buy TOAW 3, other that the changes done, will make the game better. I am ofcause not the one to ask for the reasons, please check out matrix games homepage for further details, og whats new.
For Fite, there is no real actual change. We are working to make use of the 500 new events and correct some errors, and ballance the game further.
But i have to say, i am a bit dissapointed about Toaw 3, as it does nothing to lift, the limitations set by the original game (execpt the events).
Having said that, for me, personally, i allways try to have the newest game, and patch to get the optimal out of the game.
As for the new version of Fite, it will be out soon´, but again, not much will be changed.
Søren Gaun
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