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Subject: Re: non historical planes

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Date Posted: 13:20:08 01/16/04 Fri
In reply to: Iņaki Harrizabalagatar 's message, "non historical planes" on 11:33:53 01/16/04 Fri

yes, we are well aware that certain equipment appear earlier than it did historical (like Me410, He177 etc), and this is like you say solely because of game limitations.
The best thing would of course be to let the unit start with maybe 30/30 Me110 and 0/30 Me410 with the production of the latter starting up in 1943. However, that would mean that the units could become too strong, effectively having twice the ammounts of planes compared to history.

Another problem deals with recontruction of units. This would not be a problem in the 110/410 case, since 110 were kept in production after 410 was halted, but when a unit reconstruct after having evaporated, it needs a 2/3 of it's primary equipment. Thats why the russian I-16 is built throughout the war. If it weren't the unit eventually wouldn't recontruct, no matter how many Yak's were in the force pool.

Obviously this could be solved by withdrawing an unit with only the I-16 and replace it with a unit with only Yaks. The main problem in this is the lack of events this would require, since there is a limit of 500 events built into the editor.
Despite the number of events required this solution is still used in regards to the German pz regiments. They come in two forms, a 41, and a later. The 41-version actually persists into 42-43, but with ability to recieve some of the PzIVH (which is representing all the "long-barreled" versions from PzIVF2 to PzIVJ). It is then withdrawn and replaced with a new Pz Reg, able to recieve both PzIVH and Panthers.

Also, when we "bundle" equipment, we add up all the produced versions, so even tho it only says 410, it also has the production of the 110 in it, as well as the 210.

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