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Subject: VERSION 3.7 is the last version......Until....

Søren Gaun
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Date Posted: 00:51:17 01/18/04 Sun

Version 3,7, is the final version, for a loooong time.
However, there will be a variant of FitE, a nordic version, covering Murmansk and Arkangelsk, this ofcause will mean loss of Syria, some of Greece and Turkey. The oob for the nordic version should be up soon. ( After my exams). After this, there will be a version 4.0, but not for a year or so. Version 4.0 will include: Correct number of equipment for all Soviet units, correct home armies for the Rumanian/ Hungarian forces, correct Soviet airforce. and ofcause any corrections for gameplay. These informations are not as easy to get at. I am currently talking to a Russian professor, but he only speaks Russian, his secretary only speaks German, as second language, and hers is as bad as mine, so, i might take longer that a year..;)))
The main reason for version 3,7, is that I screwed up in version 3,6 Sorry. 3,6 is still very much playable.

In Short: If you want to play FitE, use 3,7 as this will be the last version for a long time. Unless you want to play the Nordic version. It will up en a month or so, but again, there will be no significant changes in the Nordic version, other than the map, compared to version 3,7.

Good luck, and please lets us know if you find something wierd or any experince that might help us make this game better.

Søren Gaun

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