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Subject: Map question

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Date Posted: 21:26:29 09/15/03 Mon

I am interested in your map. What sources for roads, rails
vegetation have you used? I have been working with a map
myself and many times got in trouble with conflicting datas.
Regards GoranW

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[> Subject: Re: Map question

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Date Posted: 22:26:02 09/15/03 Mon

The basis of the map is McBrides "Drang nach Osten" (permission granted), with a few modifications. Søren had already drawn part of Germany and the Balkans (-Greece), when I came into the picture, so I've only done Turkey and Greece.
I did the Turkey map mainly by the use of maps found on www.turkeyinmaps.com, combined with an Atlas from 1969 I got.
For rails I found a website about history of turkish railways, that listed the rails in 1941. I forgot the address, sorry. I glanced at some sattelite photos for some vegetation, but since Turkey isn't going to play a major role in the scenario there also was done some random clutter of various terrain types.
Greece I used the 1969 Atlas, coupled with some old map I found in an old encyclopdeia from late 1920's. Again loosely vegitated from sattelites.

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[> Subject: Re: Map question

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Date Posted: 09:05:20 01/29/04 Thu

I think You should make some important changes to the map
in the next version. At least in the border areas in
connection with the initial attack. Some errors are obvious.
Regarding border areas I have noted:
1. The rail from Suwalki to Grodno goes through Augostow.
2. Draw the major rail line from Siedlce against Czeremcha.-
Wolkowysk. Used by pz zug 29. Bridge intact over Bug river.
3. The rail north of Lemberg goes on the german side of the border from Kristinopol to north of Sokal before moving over
Bug river to soviet side.
4 Along San river from Przemysl( this town on both sides) to the north the border is along the river and that makes the road and rail totally
on the german side.( as the town Radymno)
5. Further on along San river the town Sanok was not soviet
This remarks are not meant to be negative critic and I dont think my barbarossa map-41 is free from serious errors. Its just that the mentioned facts have importance for game play. GoranW

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[> Subject: Re: Map question

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Date Posted: 23:40:18 01/30/04 Fri

Thanks for the remarks. I'm sure you are correct.
Like I mentioned in my other post, the map is simply based around the one in DnO, and so most of it we've just used directly without changing (or checking). But now that you've pointed it out, I'll look into it.

Actually what we really need is a map that uses slightly bigger scale than our current. (maybe 12km/hex or so).
Then we would be able to do without some of the squeezing here and there in an attempt to get it all within the 300x300. I just don't have the patience to do all that from scratch.


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[> Subject: Re: Map question

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Date Posted: 15:06:02 02/01/04 Sun

Hi! Please send Your e-mail address to
mannaberg@hotmail.com Goran

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[> Subject: Re: Map question

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Date Posted: 01:55:14 02/16/04 Mon

The Dubyssa river (east of Raseinai) and Aeroigala, a village on the river are missing from the DNO map. German Generals such as Manstein and Raus describe the importance of quickly crossing the Dubyssa as the first important step to Dvinsk and the Dniva.

Was it left off intentionally as to not slow up the opening advance and make a deep strike easier?

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[> Subject: Re: Map question

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Date Posted: 12:23:47 02/19/04 Thu

No, it's left out by mistake.
I'll get it added for the next update.

I don't even think it will slow the germans noticeable, maybe it's even an advantage when the going turns the other way. :)


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