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Subject: Re: 3.8b

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Date Posted: 15:15:29 05/14/04 Fri
In reply to: Michael T 's message, "3.8b" on 01:28:14 05/11/04 Tue

It's Søren Gaun who did the design of the units. I'm not sure how many men he figured was in each squad. I'm guessing 10-12.

The Pz-IV's with short gun (B to F1) have all been pooled together. The E-version ended production in April 1941 and all in all the production of B, C, D and E ammounted to 628. In April 1941 production then changed to the F1 and 462 was produced until March 1942.

In the game you start with 538 PzIVD's and produce 2x105=210 in the course of the game, giving a grand total of 648 short barreled PzIV's. That means that 442 are not on the East Front but instead either destroyed in earlier campaigns or positioned elsewhere (North Africa).

Reason that we don't use the PzIVE in the game is simply that it's stats are identically to that of the PzIVD and using just a single equipment types is much simpler.

A similar sub is used later, when the PzIVH includes production of all long barreled types from F2-J.


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