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Subject: Supply

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Date Posted: 17:43:20 03/05/05 Sat

I'm still (at a snail's pace) moving through a solitaire game of FITE 4.1 and I have a suggestion.

At T19 the Germans are very close to cutting off all supply to a shrinking pocket at Leningrad; close to taking Kalinin; 10-12 hexes from Moscow itself; with everything south of that completely shattered and the Germans blitzing again just like at the start of the scenario (German advance elements outside Kharkov and Stalino). I'd hoped to keep this game going for months to come, hoping that the Soviets could stop the german advance, but it doesn't look like they will. At least not anywhere near the historical lines. And this is with me adding houserules to play (no attacking or advancing with red supply units).

What I'm building to is that I've had no trouble keeping full supply to almost all parts of the front. I'm not saying that the supply levels are too high, but that I've managed to easily repair broken raillines up to the front. There might be too many rail repair units in the German army.

However, making it harder for the Germans to repair rail would only marginally effect a PBEM game in which the two players were unconstrained by my house rules concerning red supply units. (Hence, I'm guessing that's why Daniel put the supply shock turns into DnO).

My opinion is that it would do justice to the campaign if the Germans had to worry more about supply levels than they do now. Keeping up a constant momentum eastward would rely on pulling units back from the front for resupply. As it is, that is only necessary after many many turns of combat (like I'm seeing in my game in front of Moscow where combat has been steady for the last 12 turns; only now are all my units going orange and red and becoming ineffective).

Suggestion #2: Do away with the initial Soviet forts that reconstitute with only 1 mp. They're nice chrome, but the Soviet playability could use mobile numbers post-barbarossa more than a static fort. And once they reappear it's rather difficult to find active roles for them on a front in such a state of flux.

Just my two cents....
Will post more as I play...
So far it's excellent...I just hope the Soviets can hold the Germans so I can see the second half.

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