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Date Posted: 14:02:50 10/12/03 Sun
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Subject: Any Costume Ideas???
Hey Livve said she had some more costume ideas for me to do, but I decided if anyone else has any costume ideas just reply and tell me what they are, you can go into detail if you woud like but I'd really like to get started on them. So leave me some ideas! Also the Lion costume will be up for Download at Scraped Knees in about 15 mins!
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- a butterfly :o) simple enuff but i'd love to c one! a ghost? (make the clothes invisible? lol) I'd suggest an elephant but it would b waaay to hard to make,lol. n hmm..if i think of ne more ill post it on the forum! (NT) -- Laura, 14:22:09 10/12/03 Sun

- Hrmm, what about a polar bear, complete with little ears and a poofy white tail? What about a ballerina, with a poofy pink tutu and a sparkling color tierra? (NT) -- Anniebear, 14:28:51 10/12/03 Sun

You know what you should do?! A penguin! Ahh! <333. Maybe try to make it from the bunny jumper, since that already has a white spot for the belly? I'm not sure what to do for the beak/etc, but the jumper is a start! (NT) --
, 14:50:12 10/12/03 Sun

- OH! and maybe use the turkey tail for the penguin? like make it much smaller and totally black, because penguins have cute lil tails like that, lol. (NT) --
, 14:52:35 10/12/03 Sun

- That's a really neat idea, Ally. Maybe you could use the nose from the reindeer costume and make it orange to use as a beak? (NT) -- Laurin, 15:34:52 10/12/03 Sun

- *grins* ok, here's my fantastical ideas: a sheep (majorly important! i would LOVE a sheep costume! very very much) also, hmmm maybe a mole? or a lickle mouse? and snoopy~ very cool :o) can't think of anymore offhand, but i'll let ya know ;op (NT) -- Livvee, 17:09:39 10/12/03 Sun