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Special Preg. Prog Idea Ok, ive been thinking bout Heres whats would happen in Second Day - Nothing Fourth Day - I'll ask If your baby was overdue, you Plus the baby WOULD be a
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Date Posted: 11:24:58 10/13/03 Mon
Author: Laura
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Subject: Special Idea! (it may have been done b4 but i thought of it all on my own i swear!)
this for a VERY long time now, and decided to share it with, only the BCA
forum(as im too lazy to go to other forums,lol). It would b a preg. Prog. Now
your all probably goin “so whas new?! Theres a lot of preg progs!” Well this
ones special, and plus It’d b for ONE person only. Everyone who wanted to
apply for tha one position, would fill out a special form(provided by me) and
then I'd chose the best person to do the program with!
the preg. prog (there r between 7-12 days):
First day - I, the doctor, would introduce myself to you, get to
know you. As I'd like to kno the patient! Plus you get the pregnancy test provin
ur pregnant!
happens, relax, rest, play with ur other babyz, do wha u want :o) but stay
healthy for ur unborn babyz ;o)
Third Day - You get ur first sonogram! Then doctor(I) and patient talk
for awhile. In this sonogram, the baby is especially tiny, so you may not even
see the baby except for the tiny outline of it, just like a real sonogram.
if you'd like a special webpage dedicated to the 'Birth of your babyz' made by
me, or if you would rather do it, then you could. If you said yes, we could go
over the details and stuff in a conversation.
Fifth Day - Second Sonogram! You get to know how many babyz you are
Sixth Day - You get to hear the heartbeat of the baby(i may or may not do
this, depends if i figure out a way TO do it!
Seventh Day - Third Sonogram! You may find out the gender(s) of your babyz
if you like!
Eighth Day - We will schedule an apt for a c-section for another day
if neccessary, if not neccessary then just do what you'd normally do (See 2cd
Ninth Day - If all goes smoothly you'll have your baby on the ninth
day! but remember, babyz could come earlier or later.
Tenth Day - If you had the babyz on the ninth, today you will get the
birth certificate and there first picture when they were born. If you hadn't had
the baby yet, you could have it at any time.
Eleventh Day - If you had the babyz on the ninth, today you will a
couple more pictures and get to see the webpage dedicated to your babyz.
If you hadn't had the baby yet, you could have it at any time.
Twelfth Day - If you had the babyz on the ninth, today the baby will get to
go home! Along with a gift basket made by me! If you haven't had your baby yet,
you will have that baby by the afternoon by emergency c-section due to the babyz
are overdue.
will still get the same things as if it was born on the ninth day, just in the
next 3 days after your babyz was born.
growing baby!
So What do you all think? Do u think I should make the program? Any thoughts
would b helpful!! Thanks!!
sorry its sooo long >.<
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Replies:I want to be in it please and thank you (NT) -- Brittany, 12:21:01 10/13/03 Mon