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Date Posted: 20:18:53 10/13/03 Mon
Author: :o(
Author Host/IP:
Subject: It's time...
I need to stop my addiction to the forum and AIM, I am getting too obsessed and it is making me fat just sitting here at the computer 24/7. I'll come back soon, I hope. If you find out who I am, don't ask for my babyz. Please don't find out who I am, I don't want people instant messaging me and keep saying come back come back! From now on I am going to block everyone in the Babyz Community except people from school. It's not that I don't like any of you or anything. I'll miss you girls so much, you all have made 4 years of my life happier by letting me adopt babyz and being nice to me. Thank you all so much. I don't think I will return to the BC. I don't get in my babyz game much anymore or hex, so it's time for me to leave. I know I won't come back.
I will miss you the most:
Sai :o( *Sai was my best friend*
Ally of LS.
Ally of Curiosity.
Much more.
Whoever is the moderator of this forum, please ban me.
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