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Date Posted: 09:55:27 10/18/03 Sat
Author: Lacey
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Subject: Hey guys
Hey guys...I'm really bumbed my best friend Shakila is going to JJC (juevinile justice center) and friday was her last day :( I miss her terribly and once she gets out of JJC she is moving back to Texas with her mom. I would love some of my babyz to be rehexed to look like her (she loved the game) so could any of you wonderful hexers rehex em for me I know someone out there has to be able to rehex. Garsh just taking about her is making me tear up she gave me all her posters out of her locker and I got on my bus and I was quiet I wouldn't talk to anyone and when I got home I layed in my room and cried which I still have been crying off and on, like now. She was my best friend I would rather have a bad record and be in JJC with her than have a clean record and not be anywhere near her. I miss her I remember when I first met her I didn't like her much.....but then i got to know her, she stuck up for me...all the time....I mouthed off to people for her. It was like we were sisters or the same person I could finish her sentences and her mine we could tell what eac other we thinking so we kinda think alike. So please guys if anyone can rehex my babyz I would be grateful veyr grateful......bye now I'm going to go up in my room again....bye ladies and Danny *huggles everyone*
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