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Subject: Prognostications

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Date Posted: Monday, August 21, 01:26:51pm

Superbowl (barring major injuries): Wage vs. the Slappers. Wage wins by 10 points when Darrent Williams registers only 3 tackles, but returns both an INT and a Punt for TD's.

Superbowl (realistically): Black Retrievers vs. a solid and steady but underrated Team Kyle. Retrievers win because of their defense, helped out of course by Kevin Jones, who slacks off when needed most.

The BFL's Indianapolis Colts: L.C. Lightning Birds

Best Offense: Oberlin Meatslappers

Offensive ROY: Laurence Maroney

Best Defense: Black Retrievers

Defensive ROY: DeMeco Ryans

League MVP: L.T.

Biggest Sleeper: Hank Baskett

Biggest Bust: Chris Chambers (based on when he was drafted, he'll still kick some ass though)

Team most hindered by injury: Bressler Violators

Team most helped by injury: The Vultures (a.k.a. the Maniaxx...Larry Johnson already picked the bones of Priest Holmes clean, and just look at those other 4 RB's).

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[> Subject: Re: Prognostications

Black Dog
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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 22, 10:25:16am

Superbowl: I like your thinking in the Superbowl, but I'm throwing this year so I can get a better draft pick next year :)
Wage v. Lightning Birds (again)
Best Offense: Oberlin Meatslappers
Offensive ROY: Laurence Maroney (Go Pats!)
Best Defense: Everybody's Rival
Defensive ROY: Beats me...
League MVP: L.T.
Biggest Sleeper: Reche Caldwell (if Branch continues to sit out)
Biggest Bust: Reggie Bush

Best RB combo: 1) James/Jackson (OM); 2) Barber/Taylor (CS); Runner-up) Caddy/Lewis (Canadiens)

Best WR combo: Chambers/S. Moss (Terps)

Oldest WR combo: K. Johnson/Galloway (Steegles)

Best sibling pairing: Jones/Jones (Roar)

Comeback player: McNair

Good luck to all this year!!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Prognostications

team kyle (spank nate)
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Date Posted: Sunday, September 16, 09:58:00pm

will the chargers please score

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[> Subject: Re: Prognostications

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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 23, 10:00:58am

Pigskin North:
1. Wage, 2. Maniaxx, 3. Steegles, 4. Sensations

Pigskin South:
1. Terps, 2. Retrievers, 3. Rats, 4. Skid Marks

Gridiron North:
1. Slappers, 2. Violators, 3. Express, 4. Hunters

Gridiron South:
1. Lightning, 2. Rival, 3. Roar, 4. Kyle

Pigskin Wildcard: Retrievers
Gridiron Wildcard: Rival

Superbowl: Slappers defeat Terps

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[> [> Subject: Re: Prognostications

Mr. Whipple
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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 23, 06:07:19pm

Commish - you must be sniffing too much glue at work, dude! NO WAY the Skid Marks are bringin' up the rear (pun intended) in the Pigskin South division. Granted, it's by far the best division in the BFL, but last place?!

We may smell but we won't stink!

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