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Date Posted: 21:50:07 01/25/01 Thu
Author: Thistarin
Subject: How I came to be exiled...and how I will be revenged!

I met her at some friends show at Water St. just after Christmas of 97. I wish now I had never gone to see them that night. I should have known that the omen of seeing an old bandmate that I always got into trouble with meant trouble for me.
She cheated on me, lied to me, and then lied about me turning old allies against me. In the process I have learned that direct confrontation with this cowardly little whore is pointless and last time only resulted in my arrest.
Michele has brought me down and I have sworn revenge on her. The fake little harpy thinks that dressing up in black and drinking to excess is following the dark path.
I know that I have and once again do follow the path.
But because of outside intervention (the law) I must now stay away from that from which I draw energy and power.
So many nights I have desired to walk among the mostly dead.
So many nights that I have been trapped inside myself, straining at the bonds that imprison me.
So many nights that I have spent in study and preparation for my ultimate revenge.
Warn her if you feel like doing so.
Any warnings will be all for naught.
For no one knows how subtle and slow my spell will be.
In casting it I have taken months already.
What is a few more?
The Dark Mage.

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