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Subject: Re: Svalqne na kilogrami

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Date Posted: 05:45:56 02/26/04 Thu
In reply to: Hristo 's message, "Re: Svalqne na kilogrami" on 04:38:35 02/26/04 Thu

Hristo, blagodarq za suvetite.
Sled siloviq cikul koito 6te dovur6a v ponedelnik smqtam da izprobvam eto tozi:

den 1,2,3,4 mozhe da sa primerno ponedelnik, sriada, petuk i subota
sedmica 1
den 1 - 4x9 70% (da 4 serii po 9 povt :)
den 2 - 5x7 75%
den 3 - 7x5 80%
den 4 - 10x3 85%
sedmica 2
den 1 - 4x9 (70% + 10kg)
den 2 - 5x7 (75% + 10kg)
den 3 - 7x5 (80% + 10kg)
den 4 - 10x3(85% + 10kg)
sedmica 3
den 1 - 4x9 (70% + 15kg)
den 2 - 5x7 (75% + 15kg)
den 3 - 7x5 (80% + 15kg)
den 4 - 10x3(85% + 15kg)
sedmica 4
den 1 - pochivka
den 2 - pochivka
den 3 - niakolko tezhki single-a
den 4 - testvai za novia ti rekord ot 1 povt.(1RM)
Taka ako si ocelial do tuka veche imash nov rekord na dadenoto upr. Mozhe bi veche blagodarish na gospod che si ocelial ama tova e samo nachaloto.
sledvat 2 sedmici speed work. Pravish upr. s malki tezhesti super explosivno. Celta e deadaptacia predi sledvashtite 4 sedmici na uzhas:)
Tuka veche trenirash ne 4 ami 3 puti sedmichno. % ot silata veche se otnasia za novia ti rekord koito si registriral predi 2 sedmici.
(serii x povt tezhest % ot novia rekord)
sedmica 1
den 1 - 1x3 65%, 1x4 75%, 3x4 85%, 1x5 85%
den 2 - 1x3 60%, 1x3 70%, 1x4 80%, 1x3 90%, 2x5 85%
den 3 - 1x4 65%, 1x4 70%, 5x4 80%
sedmica 2
den 1 - 1x4 60%, 1x4 70%, 1x4 80%, 1x3 90%, 2x4 90%
den 2 - 1x3 65%, 1x3 75%, 1x3 85%, 3x3 90%, 1x3 95%
den 3 - 1x3 65%, 1x3 75%, 1x4 85%, 4x5 90%
sedmica 3
den 1 - 1x3 60%, 1x3 70%, 1x3 80%, 5x5 90%
den 2 - 1x3 60%, 1x3 70%, 1x3 80%, 2x3 95% !!
den 3 - 1x3 65%, 1x3 75%, 1x3 85%, 4x3 95% !!
sedmica 4
den 1 - 1x3 70%, 1x4 80%, 5x5 90%
den 2 - 1x3 70%, 1x3 80%, 4x3 95%
den 3 - 1x3 75%, 1x4 90%, 3x4 95%

Niama greshka v chislata. Very brutal.
Sega e vrene da stroshish rekorda. Sledvashtata sedmica e vreme za nov rekord
Ponedelnik - 1x3 70%, 1x3 80%, 2x5 90%, 3x4 95%
Vtornik - pochivka
Sriada - 1x4 75%, 4x4 85%
Chet, Petak, Subota pochiva
Nedelia - singli do max i nov rekord

Vidqh go v statiite nai-otdoly i mislq da go priloja za leg. Vuprosa mi po cikula e sledniq. Sled purvite 4 sedmici ima li nqkakva dvysedmi4na po4iva? Ne6to ne mi stava mnogo qsno poqsnenieto v sredata na cikula.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Svalqne na kilogramiHristo04:29:39 03/02/04 Tue

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